Mckenzie Dice (CIRES,NSIDC,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, CU Boulder), John Cassano (CIRES,NSIDC,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, CU Boulder)
Radiosonde and surface meteorology and flux observations at McMurdo Station Antarctica from 23 November 2015 through 5 January 2017 were used to analyze the boundary layer variability present annually and seasonally. These measurements were taken during the ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE), which was conducted with the aims of explaining the dynamical mechanisms of climate change in West Antarctica, one of the most rapidly warming places on Earth. Radiosondes were launched twice per day during AWARE, and the hundreds of resulting potential temperature profiles were analyzed using a self-organizing map neural network to identify the range of potential temperature profiles present in each season of observations as well as annually. The goal of the self-organizing map analysis is to view the differences in temperature profiles in the lowest 500 meters of the atmosphere in a useful and compact way while still capturing all of the observations during the study period. Instead of viewing hundreds of individual profiles, these data are organized by the self-organizing map into patterns of similar potential temperature profiles. It was found that in the winter (MJJA), strongly stable profiles dominate the boundary layer structure, and weakly stable profiles dominate in the summer (DJ). Flux and surface meteorological data, such as wind speed, can also be viewed in this way by calculating the averages of these data taken at the time of the radiosonde launches that correspond to each self organizing map pattern, a technique called compositing. For example, this technique was used to calculate the average wind speed at the time of launch for each self-organizing map pattern, and it was found that weak winds correspond with stronger inversions, and stronger winds correspond to a well-mixed, weakly stable profile. Profiles of bulk Richardson numbers were calculated for each sounding to evaluate the layers of the atmosphere that are turbulent, and how this varies across the identified potential temperature profiles in the self-organizing map. Areas of enhanced stability in the boundary layer, such as surface inversions, and/or areas of especially weak wind shear reflect more positive bulk Richardson numbers compared to areas of weak stability and/or areas of strong wind shear. Observations of surface radiative fluxes, turbulent fluxes, relative humidity, and temperature have been utilized in this analysis to show how these observations relate to changes in boundary layer stability. For example, it was found in this study that the average sensible heat flux in the summer (DJ) was generally less positive for weakly stable profiles compared to strongly stable profiles. Additionally, averages of the downwelling longwave radiation in each self-organizing map pattern revealed that downwelling longwave radiation was larger for weakly stable profiles and smaller for strongly stable profiles in the winter (MJJA). This is expected because reduced downwelling longwave radiation in weakly stable winter patterns is consistent with the negative radiation budget which favors the formation of surface inversions. This presentation will further discuss these findings and the physical relationships between the composited variables and the self-organizing map potential temperature patterns.