Elizabeth Payton (CIRES)


The past decade has seen a wave of new research relevant to the climate and hydrology of the Colorado River Basin. Accompanying this rapid expansion of the scientific knowledge base has been a proliferation of increasingly complex hydroclimatic datasets and models. At the same time, basin water interests have been challenged by persistent dry conditions and increasing climate change impacts. Facing these issues, a work group of major water agencies in the basin initiated an effort to capture the current state of the science and technical practice in a synthesis report to support the planning and management of basin water supplies. Drawing from over 800 sources, primarily peer-reviewed papers and agency studies, this synthesis report covers the key links of the chain of hydroclimatic knowledge, data, and modeling for the basin. Within each component, the report describes the current state of knowledge and application, recent and ongoing research and other improvements, and remaining knowledge gaps and uncertainties. In this poster we provide a brief overview of the report, the process of developing it, and stakeholder feedback.