Catherine Smith (CIRES), Matthew Newman (CIRES), Gilbert Compo (CIRES), Michael Alexander (NOAA/ESRL), Don Hooper (CIRES)
NOAA/PSL and CIRES/CU has created a set of Ocean Web-based Reanalysis Tools (WRIT). The tools are designed to allow users to examine and compare ocean reanalyses and observational data. Tools include a mapping page which allows users to look at maps of means, anomalies, and climatologies of variables and and vertical cross-sections of variables at depth. Users can
average together multiple years and create difference maps and cross sections. There is a time-series tool that allows users to extract/plot time-series from the gridded fields and read ocean/atmospheric index time-series including for example Nino3.4, PDO, or station based tidal data. Users can compare time-series, compute statistics, and even plot wavelets
or autocorrelations. There is also a correlation page which allows users to correlate climate index time-series with ocean variables including both maps and vertical cross-sections. Users can upload their own time-series on the correlation and time-series pages for analysis and plotting. Ocean variables include temperature, salinity, and u/v currents at depth. Single level variables include SST, heat flux, sea surface height, wind fluxes, bottom temperature, and ice. Reanalyses currently included are the NOAA/GODAS, ECWMF ORAS5, ECMWF ORA20C, NASA ECCO V4, GLORYS, SODA 3.4.2 and SODA 3.7.2. Observational datasets include EN4 temperature/salinity observation and the NOAA OISST, ERSSTv5 and HadISST SST datasets and GPCP Precipitation. We plan to add more features and datasets over time. The webpages are available at