Hailey Robe (CIRES,NC CASC), Ulyana Horodyskyj Pena (CIRES,NC CASC), Jane Wolken (CIRES,NC CASC), William Travis (CIRES,NC CASC), Christine D. Miller Hesed (CIRES,NC CASC), Heather Yocum (CIRES,NC CASC)
The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC) is one of nine regional centers in a national network created to help natural and cultural resource managers prepare for changes due to a warming climate. The center is a unique partnership between the USGS, CU Boulder, and five consortium partners that serve the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, and Nebraska. In the last five years, the NC CASC has developed partnerships with regional stakeholders, Tribal nations, and other climate-focused organizations; substantially grown our communication and outreach program to create a community of researchers and managers; and conducted interdisciplinary climate adaptation research, synthesis, and tool development to help resource managers make climate-informed decisions. This poster will highlight our recent research, like the Grasslands Synthesis Report, as well as our goals for the next year of our host agreement with CU Boulder. . We continue to provide climate adaptation science services, including R-shiny apps through our climate science support platform and Rapid Climate Adaptation assessments with partners like the US Fish and Wildlife Service.