. A Community Workflow for the Standalone Regional (SAR) Version of the FV3 Atmosphere Model

In this poster, we present various aspects of the workflow being developed by the DTC (Developmental Testbed Center, a collaboration between GSD and NCAR) for running the standalone regional (SAR) version of GFDL's FV3 (Finite-Volume-Cubed) global atmosphere model. The FV3 was chosen by NOAA in 2016 as the common dycore under which to consolidate its modeling efforts. With the global version of the FV3 set to be deployed operationally in the near future, a multi-lab effort (GSD, EMC, NSSL, and NCAR) is underway to develop a standalone regional version (FV3-SAR) that will be accessible to and usable by the wider research community (e.g. university researchers). As part of this effort, the DTC has been developing a community workflow that will allow users to easily configure and run the FV3-SAR. The capabilities of the community workflow thus far include: (1) generation of arbitrary regional domains with nearly-uniform grids as well as predefined domains [e.g. North American domain with 13km cell size (RAP-like), continental US domain with 3km cells (HRRR-like)]; (2) generation of filtered topography on such domains and grids; (3) creation of initial and boundary conditions from GFS (Global Forecast System) analysis files; (4) running of forecasts using either the CCPP-enabled or non-CCPP-enabled version of the model [CCPP is the Common Community Physics Package; the CCPP version currently allows for either the GFS or GSD physics suite to be run while the non-CCPP version only contains the GFS suite]; and (5) outputting of fields on either the native FV3 grid or EMC's write-component grid. The workflow is accompanied by detailed documentation to allow users to easily configure and run forecast experiments without having to understand the various model components in detail. Sample outputs will be presented from the various tasks in the workflow in multiple configurations.