. What's Happening in Diversity and Inclusion at CIRES?

The CIRES Diversity and Inclusion program has been established to attract and support students, partners and prospective employees from all walks of life and backgrounds, and to build a culture of inclusion where all individuals are able to thrive in their chosen careers. The initiative includes recruiting to attract students and employees from a wider range of perspectives, support for search and hire, training and other programming for current employees, and data to inform action plans and promote transparency. In 2018-2019, a workplace culture survey was implemented and findings were communicated throughout CIRES. The survey described a largely positive culture overall, but revealed impacts on those who have experienced negative or uncivil workplace behavior within the last two years. Women report more uncivil behavior and are more impacted by it. Focus groups have provided more nuance to understand the results. Actions are underway to address results of the culture survey, and CIRES is developing more capacity to recruit a diverse talent pool. This poster describes progress to date within the CIRES D&I program. For more about CIRES D&I see http:// ciresdiversity.colorado.edu/ or contact Susan Sullivan at susan.sullivan@colorado.edu.