Analysis of stratospheric ozone recovery

Birgit Hassler (1,2)

Ozone depleting substances had their peak concentrations in the stratosphere around the mid to late 1990s. Since then, one of the main focus areas of stratospheric ozone research has been the detection of ozone recovery. This could signal that the Montreal Protocol and its emission ban on ozone depleting substances was successful. Research within the Chemical Sciences Division at NOAA/Boulder has focused on four different areas to help identify stratospheric ozone recovery and its impact on climate. These are: (1) providing the community with a vertically resolved, gap-free ozone data set for climate modeling, (2) studying dynamical and (3) chemical influences on ozone recovery, and (4) analyzing global stratospheric ozone measurements for a sign in trend reversal. All four research areas will be described briefly, and published studies will be explained.