When does information matter? Roles of knowledge in disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation decision-making.

Arielle Tozier de la Poterie (1)

: Disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs seek to reduce loss of property and lives as the result of extreme events. These programs invest significant resources in collecting context-specific, participatory information and in developing scientific (forecast) information in order to help them achieve their goals. These efforts take place despite significant evidence that such information does not contribute to DRR goals as easily or as directly to is assumed. Using the Policy Sciences’ social and decision process frameworks, this research will map two DRR decision processes: one involving participatory information and another involving forecasts. In each process, it will identify when, how and why these kinds of information are sought and how they are actually incorporated into DRR planning and implementation. By clarifying the relationship between information and the broader processes that shape its production and use this study hopes to identify possible avenues for improving the relationship between information and DRR decision-making.