2015 Poster abstracts


ADM 1. CIRES IT - Your Technology Team
Nathan Campbell(1),Lisa Ho(1),Tom Priestly(1),David Zakavec(1)

ADM 2. The CIRES Communications Team: We Work for You.
Katy Human, Karin Vergoth, Robin Strelow, David Oonk
CIRES Communications Group

Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

CSTP 1. “Personal Carbon Allowances: Implementing National Climate Equity and Responsibility”
Steve Vanderheiden

CSTP 2. Value of Technological Artifacts
Benjamin Hale and Lucy McAllister

CSTP 3. When does information matter? Roles of knowledge in disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation decision-making.
Arielle Tozier de la Poterie (1)
1 - Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and Environmental Studies

CIRES Graduate Association Competition

CGA 1. Value of Technological Artifacts
Benjamin Hale and Lucy McAllister

CGA 2. When does information matter? Roles of knowledge in disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation decision-making.
Arielle Tozier de la Poterie (1)
1 - Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and Environmental Studies

CGA 3. Summertime Relationships Between NOx, NOy, and O3 in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Erin E. McDuffie (1,2,3), William P. Dube (1, 3), Daniel E. Wolfe (4), Jake Zaragoza (5), Patrick Brophy (6), Jeffrey Kirkland (6), Michael F. Link (7), Andrew Abeleira (6), Alex. G. Tevlin (8), Jennifer Murphy (8), Delphine K. Farmer (6), Emily V. Fischer (5), Steven S. Brown (1,2,3)
(1) NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division, (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, (3) CIRES (4) NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division, (5) Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, (6) Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University (7) Appalachian State University, (8) Department of Chemistry - University of Toronto

CGA 4. Estimating Supraglacial Lake Depth with Landsat 8: Algorithm development, Greenland case study, and sharing data & code
Allen Pope1,2, Ted Scambos1,2, Mahsa Moussavi2,3, Marco Tedesco4, Mike Willis5,6, and Shane Grigsby2,3
1 NSIDC, University of Colorado, Boulder 2 CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder 3 ESOC, University of Colorado, Boulder 4 The City College, City University of New York, New York 5 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca 6 Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

CGA 5. Long-Term Trends in Mobile Source Emissions and Urban Air Quality
Brian McDonald (1)(2), Si-Wan Kim (1)(2), Gregory Frost (2), Stuart McKeen (1)(2), Robert Harley (3), and Michael Trainer (2).
(1) CIRES (2) NOAA ESRL (3) UC-Berkeley, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering

CGA 6. Effect of Water on the Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid
Allison E. Reed Harris (1,2), Barbara Ervens (2,3), Richard K. Shoemaker (1), Jay A. Kroll (1,2), Rebecca J. Rapf (1,2), Elizabeth C. Griffith (1,2), Anne Monod (2,4), and Veronica Vaida (1,2)
1. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 2. CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 3. NOAA, Chemical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA 4. Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LCE FRE 3416, Marseille, France

CGA 7. Gas/particle partitioning of organic acids during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS): measurements and modeling
Samantha Thompson (1), Reddy Yatavelli (1), Harald Stark (1,2), Joel Kimmel (2), Jordan Krechmer (1), Weiwei Hu (1), Brett Palm (1), Pedro Campuzano-Jost (1), Douglas Day (1), Gabriel Isaacman (3), Allen H. Goldstein (3), Anwar Khan (4), Rupert Holzinger (4), Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker (5), Claudia Mohr (5), Joel Thornton (5), John Jayne (2), Douglas Worsnop (2), Jose L. Jimenez (1)
(1) University of Colorado-Boulder/CIRES, (2) Aerodyne Research Inc., (3) University of California-Berkeley, (4) Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht, (5) University of Washington-Seattle

CGA 8. Contribution of human related sources to indoor volatile organic compounds
Shang Liu (1), Rui Li (1)(2), Robert Wild (1)(2), Jordan Krechmer (1)(3), Samantha Thompson (1)(3), Carsten Warneke (1)(2), Joost A. de Gouw (1)(2), Steven S. Brown (2), Shelly Miller (4), Jose L.Jimenez (1)(3), Paul Ziemann (1)(3)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA CSD, (3) Dept. of Chem. and Biochem., CU Boulder, (4) Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, CU Boulder

CGA 9. The Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Atmospheric Responses to Changing Arctic Ice Cover in CCSM4
Catrin M. Mills, John J. Cassano, and Elizabeth N. Cassano

CGA 10. Three years of stable water isotope data at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory site: Insights into boundary layer moisture dynamics and atmosphere-land surface water fluxes
Aleya Kaushik (1,2), Max Berkelhammer (3), Michael O’Neill (4), David Noone (1,2,5)
(1) ATOC, CU; (2) CIRES; (3) Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sci., Univ. Illinois Chicago; (4) NOAA ESRL; (5) College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sci., Oregon State Univ.

CGA 11. Comparison between potential induced seismicity in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, 2008-2010, and seismicity above the Socorro magma body, New Mexico
Jenny Nakai (1,2), Anne Sheehan (1,2), Matthew Weingarten (1), Susan Bilek (3)
(1) University of Colorado Boulder (2) CIRES (3) New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

CGA 12. ENSO and Indo-Pacific water isotopes: Observations, modeling, and implications for paleoclimate proxy reconstructions
Bronwen Konecky (1,2), David Noone (1,2), Jesse Nusbaumer (1), Kim Cobb (3)
(1) CIRES, U. Colorado Boulder; (2) CEOAS, Oregon State University; (3) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology

CGA 13. How will precipitation change in extratropical cyclones as the planet warms?
Vineel Yettella (1), Jennifer Kay (1)

CGA 14. The sensitivity of simulated water isotope distributions to differing climate model cloud parameters.
Jesse Nusbaumer (1,2), David Noone (2,3)
(1) Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, (2) CIRES, (3) College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University.

CGA 15. How is sea ice loss affecting clouds? A story about atmospheric stability in a warming Arctic
Ariel Morrison (1), Jennifer Kay (2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NASA

CGA 16. Atmospheric forcing and oceanic response during strong wind events around southeastern Greenland as modeled over 20 winters in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
Alice K. DuVivier1, 2, John J. Cassano1, 2, Anthony Craig3, Wiesalaw Maslowski3, Robert Osinski3, 4, Andrew Roberts3
1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, Colorado 2 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 3 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 4 Polish Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland

Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division

CPP 1. Collaborative Interoperability through Brokering Technologies
Antonia Rosati (1), Lynn Yarmey (1)
(1) National Snow and Ice Data Center

CPP 2. Comprehensive spatiotemporal glacier and ice sheet velocity measurements from Landsat 8
Twila Moon (1), Mark Fahnestock (2), Ted Scambos (1), Marin Klinger (1), Terry Haran (1)
(1) NSIDC, CIRES (2) Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

CPP 3. Sea Ice Concentration Fields for Operational Forecast Model Initialization: An R2O Success Story
Florence Fetterer (1), Ann Windnagel (2), J. Scott Stewart (2), Walt N. Meier (3)
(1) CIRES NSIDC (2) Exploratory Thinking, Longmont, CO (3) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

CPP 4. Characterizing the role and controls of snowmelt in alpine groundwater recharge
Alice Hill, Morgan Shimabuku, Mark Williams, Shemin Ge

CPP 5. Application of an ablation gradient model to characterize annual glacier ice melt contribution to major rivers in High Asia
Brodzik, M. J. (1), R. L. Armstrong (1), S. J. S. Khalsa (1), T. H. Painter (2), A. Racoviteanu (1), K. Rittger (1)
(1) CIRES/NSIDC, (2) NASA JPL/California Institute of Technology

CPP 6. Distinguishing snow and ice melt contributions using daily MODIS and a temperature index melt model in the Hunza River basin
Karl Rittger, Mary J Brodzik, Adina Racoviteanu, Andrew Barrett, Siri Jodha Kalsa, and Richard Armstrong
University of Colorado Boulder, CIRES, NSIDC

CPP 7. Integration of the new Chinese Glacier Inventory into GLIMS and its ramifications
Bruce RAUP (1), LIU Shiyin (2), LIU Qiao (2), GUO Wanqin (2), XU Junli (2)
(1) CIRES/NSIDC, (2) Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAREERI

CPP 8. Using image reconstruction methods to enhance gridded resolution for a newly-calibrated passive microwave Earth System Data Record
M.A. Hardman (1), Brodzik, M.J. (1), Gotberg, J. (2), Long, D.L. (2), Paget, A. (2)

CPP 9. Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Thickness, Bathymetry, and Water Properties from Submarine Data
Ann Windnagel (1), Florence Fetterer (2)

CPP 10. Applications of hydrochemistry data from the glacierized Langtang Valley, Nepal and Lahaul-Spiti Valley, India
Alāna Wilson (1,2), Naveen Pandey (3), Mark Williams (2), AL Ramanathan (3), Rijan Kayastha (4), Adina Racoviteanu (1)
(1) University of Colorado CIRES; (2) University of Colorado Department of Geography & INSTAAR; (3) Jawaharlal Nehru University, India; (4) Kathmandu University, Nepal

CPP 11. Developing Personas for Use in the Design of Cryospheric Applications
Ann Windnagel(1), Deann Miller(2), Kara Gergely(3)

CPP 12. Successes and Challenges in Linking Observations and Modeling of Marine and Terrestrial Cryospheric Processes
Ute Herzfeld (1,2), Elizabeth Hunke(3), Thomas Trantow (2), Ralf Greve(4), Brian McDonald(2), Bruce Wallin(2,1)
(1) CIRES, (2) ECEE at CU, (3) LANL, (4) Hokkaido University,

CPP 13. Introducing the Gateway for the Polar Social Sciences (GaPSS) Program: A System for Managing Data from the Arctic Social Sciences
Colleen Strawhacker, Peter Pulsifer, and Shari Gearheard
National Snow and Ice Data Center, CIRES

CPP 14. The Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic: Managing Data from Social Science and Local and Traditional Knowledge Projects
Betsy Sheffield, Peter Pulsifer, Shari Gearheard, Heidi McCann, Chris McNeave, Colleen Strawhacker, Ruth Duerr

CPP 15. Data is Science’s Better Half: How data management marries the quality of the data with the strength of the science
Donna J. Scott(1), Florence Fetterer(2), Kara Gergely(3), Matt Savoie(4), Ann Windnagel(5)

Education Outreach Program

EO 1. Know Your AQ: Engaging Action and Awareness About Air Quality Issues in Colorado’s Front Range
CIRES Education Outreach – University of Colorado at Boulder Susan Sullivan (PI 1), Jennifer Taylor1, Allison Rockwell (2), Julia Lee-Taylor (2), Lisa Gardiner (3)
(1) CIRES, (2) NCAR, (3) UCAR

EO 2. Benefit the Community with the CIRES Education and Outreach Group
Susan Sullivan (1), Anne Gold (1), Susan Lynds (1), Amanda Morton (1), David Oonk (1), Lesley Smith (1), Jennifer Taylor (1)

EO 3. National Ocean Sciences Bowl - Oceans of Possibilities
Amanda Morton (1)

EO 4. Evaluating the Climate.gov Web Portal—A Key Resource for Climate Information
Susan Lynds, Susan Sullivan, Anne Gold, Amanda Morton, Karin Kirk

EO 5. Tribe's Eye: Photographing Change on the Navajo Reservation
Anne Gold (1), David Oonk (2), Karen Cozzetto (3), Kristen Averyt (4), Jenny Nakai (5), John Berggren (6)

EO 6. Attracting Students Into Science: Insights From a Summer Research Internship Program for Community College Students in Colorado
Anne Gold (1) Lesley Smith (1) Suzanne Anderson (2) Jennifer Taylor (1) Rebecca Batchelor (3) Barbara Monday (4) Noah Fierer (1) James McCutchan (1) Imtiaz Rangwala (1) Susan Sullivan (1)
(1) CIRES (2) INSTAAR (3) UCAR (4) Boulder Valley School District

Environmental Chemistry Division

EC 1. Design Of A Novel Open-Path Aerosol Extinction Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer and Data From Recent Field Deployments
T. D. Gordon (1,2), N. Wagner (1,2), M. S. Richardson (1,2), D. C. Law (1,2), D. Wolfe (1,2), E. Eloranta (3), C. A. Brock (1), F. Erdesz (1,2) and D. M. Murphy (1)
(1) NOAA, Earth Systems Research Laboratory (2) CIRES, University of Colorado (3) University of Wisconsin Lidar Group

EC 2. Do stratosphere-resolving models make better seasonal climate predictions in boreal winter?
Amy H. Butler (1),(2), Alberto Arribas (3), Maria Athanassadou (3), Natalia Calvo (4), Andrew Charlton-Perez (5), Daniela Domeisen (6), Maddalen Iza (4), Alexey Karpechko (7), Craig MacLachlan (3), Alan O’Neill (5), Adam Scaife (3), and Michael Sigmond (8)
(1) University of Colorado/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, CO, USA (2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth Systems Research Laboratory/Chemical Sciences Division, Boulder, CO, USA (3) Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK (4) Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (5) University of Reading, Reading, UK (6) Institute of Oceanography, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (7) Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland (8) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

EC 3. Analysis of stratospheric ozone recovery
Birgit Hassler (1,2)

EC 4. On-Road Measurements of NO2/NOx Vehicle Emission Ratios in Colorado Summer Traffic
Robert Wild (1,2), William Dube (1,2), Kenneth Aikin (1), Scott Eilerman (1,2), Maxwell Holloway (3), Andy Neuman (1,2), Jeff Peischl (1,2), Anne Perring (1,2), Owen Roberts (3), Thomas Ryerson (1), Steven Brown (1)
(1) NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division, (2) CIRES, (3) Science and Technology Corporation

EC 5. Needle-free Inhalable Dry Powder Aerosol Measles Vaccine Developed for Pulmonary Delivery with a PuffHaler DPI
Robert E. Sievers(1), Stephen P. Cape(1) and Lia G. Rebits (1)
(1) University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 80309-0216

EC 6. A prototype instrument for measuring SO2 using laser induced fluorescence
Andrew Rollins (1,2), Troy Thornberry (1,2), Richard McLaughlin (1,2), Laurel Watts (1,2), Steven Ciciora (2), and Ru-Shan Gao (2)

EC 7. Nighttime Chemistry at a High Elevation Site above Hong Kong: Implications for Regional Air Quality
William P. Dubé,1,2 Steven S. Brown,1,3 David D. Parrish,1,3 Yee Jun Tham,4 Tao Wang,4 Qiaozhi Zha,4 Zheng Xu,4 Likun Xue4, Steven Poon4, Zhe Wang,4 Xinfeng Wang5 Wilson Tsui6
1 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, Boulder, CO USA 2 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 3 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 4 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China 5 Environment Research Institute, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China 6 PTC International Limited, Hong Kong, China

EC 8. Optical properties of brown carbon surrogates formed by glyoxal and ammonium sulfate
Kyle J. Zarzana(1, 2, 3) and Margaret A. Tolbert(1, 2)
(1) CIRES (2) Department of Chemistry ad Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder (3) Now at NOAA ESRL CSD

EC 9. Two-way transitions between closed and open cellular convection
Takanobu Yamaguchi (1,2), Graham Feingold (2), Ilan Koren (3), Jan Kazil (1,2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA ESRL, (3) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Weizmann Institute

EC 10. The role of aqueous phase reactions for organic aerosol
Barbara Ervens
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, and Chemical Sciences Division, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

EC 11. A New Model for Communicating the Ozone-Layer Assessment's Findings to the Montreal Protocol: The 2014 'Assessment for Decision-Makers'
Christine A. Ennis (1, 2) A.R. Ravishankara (3, 2)
(1) CIRES (2) NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division (3) Colorado State University

EC 12. Absorption coefficient calibration: of a multi-wavelength photoacoustic aerosol absorption spectrometer, calibration using ozone combined with cavity ring down spectroscopy.
Bernard J. Mason, Nicolas Wagner, Mathews Richardson, Charles Brock, Daniel Murphy

EC 13. Observations of TTL water vapor and cirrus properties from the NASA Global Hawk during the Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment
Troy Thornberry (1,2), Andrew Rollins (1,2), Ru-Shan Gao (2), Sarah Woods (3), Paul Lawson (3), Paul Bui (4), Leonhard Pfister (4), David Fahey (1,2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA ESRL CSD, (3) SPEC, Inc., (4) NASA Ames

EC 14. Satellite Observations and Air Quality
Si-Wan Kim (1,2), Gregory Frost (2), Michael Trainer (2), Stuart McKeen (1,2), Jerome Brioude (1,2), Brian McDonald (1,2), Robert Harley (3), Hyo-Jeong Lee (1,2), Jeff Peischl (1,2), Ilana Pollack (1,2,4), Thomas Ryerson (2), and satellite retrieval groups at U. of Bremen, KNMI, NASA, and UC Berkeley
(1) CIRES (2) NOAA ESRL CSD (3) Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley (4) Now at Colorado State University

Environmental Observations, Modeling and Forecasting Division

EOMF 1. Near real-time solar irradiance NOAA SURFRAD stations for verification of solar forecasts for the Solar Forecast Improvement Project (SFIP)
K. Lantz (1,2), J. Augustine (1), G. Hodges (1,2), D. Longenecker (1,2), E. Hall (1,2), J. Wendell (1,2), C. Long (1,2), A. McComiskey (1), M. Marquis (1)
[1] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Boulder, CO) [2] Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Studies (CIRES) (Boulder, CO)

EOMF 2. Support for users and developers of the Hurricane WRF model
Christina Holt (1,2,3), Ligia Bernardet (1,2,3), Vijay Tallapragada (4), Mrinal Biswas (5), Samual Trahan (4,6), Laurie Carson (5)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA ESRL, (3) DTC, (4) NOAA EMC, (5) NCAR, (6) IMSG

EOMF 3. Wind profiling to support renewable energy development
Yelena Pichugina (1,2), Robert Banta (2), Alan Brewer(2), Aditya Choukulkar (1,2), Mike Hardesty (1,2), Ann Weickmann (1,2), Scott Sandberg (2), Raul Alvarez (2), Brandy McCarty(1,2), and Richard Marchbanks (1,2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA

EOMF 4. Ozone Vertical Profiles Measured During FRAPPE from Tethered Ozonesondes in July-August 2014
Samuel Oltmans (1,2), Bryan Johnson (2), Russell Schnell (2), Patrick Cullis (1,2), Chance Sterling (1,2), Emrys Hall (1,2), Allen Jordan (1,2)
(1) CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, (2) NOAA/ESRL, Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, Colorado

EOMF 5. Volcanic Cloud from Iceland’s Bardarbunga Measured by Ozonesonde at Summit, Greenland
Chance Sterling (1,2), Bryan Johnson (2), Irina Petropavlovskikh (1,2), Patrick Cullis (1,2), Emrys Hall (1,2), Allen Jordan(1,2)
1. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences Boulder, CO 2. NOAA/ESRL/GMD/Ozone and Water Vapor Group Boulder, CO

EOMF 6. Statistical Post-Processing of GEFS Ensemble Forecasts for Precipitation Accumulations
Michael Scheuerer (1), Thomas M. Hamill (2)

EOMF 7. Radiative forcing in the CMIP5 models
Erik J.L. Larson (1), Robert W. Portmann (2)

EOMF 8. Measurements available for the assessment of off-shore wind energy resource from remote sensors: lidar and scatterometer
Brandi McCarty (1), James Churnside (2), Tim Lang (3) and Yelena Pichugina (1)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA ESRL (3) NASA Marshall

EOMF 9. Agile in Science: Challenges and Successes
Brendan Billingsley, Aaron Caldwell, Danielle Harper, Waverly Hinton, Evan McQuinn, Ken Tanaka, David Neufeld

EOMF 10. High resolution modeling of boundary layer clouds
Jan Kazil (1,2), Graham Feingold (2)
(1) CIRES (2) NOAA

EOMF 11. Colorado Front Range Ozone Analysis
Audra McClure-Begley (1,2), Irina Petropavlovskikh (1,2), Sam Oltmans (1,2), Jon Kofler (1,2), Gabrielle Petron (1), Brad Pierce (1), Patrick Reddy (5), Arlyn Andrews (1), Hope Humphries (3), Mark Leonard (1,5)
(1) NOAA ESRL OAR GMD (2) CIRES (3) University of Colorado LTER (4) EPA (5) STC

EOMF 12. Need data? Increasing the accessibility of acoustic data for the advancement of fisheries science
Carrie C. Wall (1), Michael Jech (2), Charles Anderson (1), and Susan J. McLean (3)
1 CIRES 2 NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service 3 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

EOMF 13. NOAA FPH vs APicT during the AquaVIT-2 Water Vapor Intercomparison
Emrys Hall (1,2), Allen Jordan (1,2), Dale Hurst (1,2), Benjamin Kuehnreich (3,4) Volker Ebert (3,4)
(1) NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, Colorado (2) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado (3) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesandstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany (4) Center of Smart Interfaces, Technische Universitat Darmstadt (TUD), Germany

EOMF 14. Direct measurements of vertical Fe, Na and heat fluxes in the MLT by lidar at Boulder: Implications for the Velocity of Cosmic Dust Entering the Atmosphere
Wentao Huang(1), Xinzhao Chu(1), Chester S. Gardner(2), Juan D. Carrillo-Sánchez(3), Wuhu Feng(3), John M. C. Plane(3), David Nesvorný(4), John A. Smith(1), Xian Lu(1), Weichun Fong(1), Zhibin Yu(1), Cao Chen(1) and Ian F. Barry(1)
(1)CIRES, (2)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (3)University of Leeds, (4)Southwest Research Institute

EOMF 15. Large and small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for trace gas measurements in climate change studies
James W. Elkins(1), Fred L. Moore(1,2), Eric J. Hintsa(1,2), Phillip D’Amore(3,4), Geoffrey S. Dutton(1,2), J. David Nance(1,2), Bradley D. Hall(1), and Ru-Shan Gao(1) 
(1) NOAA ESRL, (2) CIRES, (3) NOAA Hollings Scholar, (4) Southern Methodist University (SMU)

EOMF 16. Marine Acoustic Data Archiving
Charles Anderson( 1)*, Carrie Wall1 (1), Dave Fischman (2), Danielle Austin (1), Anna Milan (2), John Cartwright (2), Susan McLean (2)
91) 1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, (2)NOAA/NESDIS/National Centers for Environmental Information, Boulder, Colorado

EOMF 17. Ozone Soundings Restarted at NOAA/SHODOZ Site in Suva, Fiji
Patrick Cullis (1), Bryan J. Johnson (2), Chance Sterling (1), Samuel. J. Oltmans (1)
1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 2 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO 80305

EOMF 18. CubeSat Based Sensors for Global Weather Forecasting
Lavanya Periasamy (1), Albin J. Gasiewski (1), Glenda Alvarenga (2) Brian T. Sanders (2) and David Gallaher (3)
(1) University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Electrical Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, USA (2) University of Colorado-Boulder, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, Boulder, Colorado, USA (3) University of Colorado-Boulder, National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA

EOMF 19. CrowdMag - crowdsourcing Earth’s magnetic data
Manoj Nair(1), Nir Boneh(1) and Arnaud Chulliat (3)

EOMF 20. The new face of the Earth’s magnetic field: what did we learn from World Magnetic Model 2015 and the recently launched Swarm satellite mission?
Arnaud Chulliat (1,2), Patrick Alken (1,2), Manoj Nair (1,2), Adam Woods (1,2), Brian Meyer (1,2)

EOMF 21. Global ionospheric specification and forecasting by inferring unobserved thermospheric and ionospheric state variables via an Ensemble Kalman Filter
Chih-Ting Hsu(1), Tomoko Matsuo(2), Wenbin Wang(3), Jann-Yenq Liu(4)
(1) National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan (2) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA. (3) Space Weather Prediction Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado, USA. (4) High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA. (5) National Space Organization, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

EOMF 22. Simultaneous Observations of Mesoscale Gravity Waves Over the Central US with CRRL Na Doppler Lidars and USU Temperature Mapper
Xian Lu*, Cao Chen, Wentao Huang, John A. Smith, Jian Zhao, Xinzhao Chu*, Tao Yuan, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, Mike J. Taylor
1. University of Colorado Boulder, 216 UCB, CIRES, Boulder, CO 80309, USA, 2. Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA

EOMF 23. Enhanced Management of and Access to Ocean and Coastal Mapping Data
Evan J. Robertson (1), Barry W. Eakins (1), Susan McLean (2)
(1) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder (2) NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

EOMF 24. The Impact of Extreme Precipitation on Reservoir Inflow at the Taylor Park Dam
Michael J Mueller(1),Kelly Mahoney(1),Jamie Scott(1)

Solid Earth Sciences Division

SES 1. Comparison between potential induced seismicity in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, 2008-2010, and seismicity above the Socorro magma body, New Mexico
Jenny Nakai (1,2), Anne Sheehan (1,2), Matthew Weingarten (1), Susan Bilek (3)
(1) University of Colorado Boulder (2) CIRES (3) New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Weather and Climate Dynamics Division

WCD 1. Role of cloud liquid water in modulating the Arctic surface energy budget
Matthew Shupe (1,2), Ola Persson (1,2)

WCD 2. Prospects for inferring aspect ratios of ice hydrometeors using radar depolarization measurements
Sergey Matrosov

WCD 3. Optimal Precursors of different types of ENSO events
Antonietta Capotondi (1), Prashant Sardeshmukh (2)

WCD 4. Impact of Midnight Temperature Maximum on the Nighttime Equatorial Vertical Drifts
T.-W. Fang (1), R. Akmaev (2), T. Fuller-Rowell (1), H. Wang (1), F. Wu (1)

WCD 5. Adaptation Barriers and Opportunities in the Prairie Potholes Region
Heather M. Yocum (1), Andrea J. Ray (2), Balaji Rajagopalan (1, 3)
(1) CIRES; (2) NOAA ESRL; (3) Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, CU-Boulder

WCD 6. Observational efforts to understand aerosol-cloud interactions at high latitudes
Gijs de Boer(1)(2), Matthew Shupe(1)(2), Timothy Garrett(3), Chaunfeng Zhao(4), Dave Turner(2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA, (3) University of Utah, (4) Beijing Normal University

WCD 7. Providing a Tutorial for the NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Model on the B-grid (NMMB)
Craig Hartsough(1), Isidora Jankov(2), Jeff Beck(2), and Hongli Jiang(2)

WCD 8. NOAA Science On a Sphere in the Classroom: SOS Explorer
Hilary Peddicord, Chris Golden, Eric Hackathorn, Jonathan Joyce, Jeff Smith, Jebb Stewart

WCD 9. Validating short-term atmospheric processes that impact forecasts of sea-ice melt-back and freeze-up in coupled limited area model simulations of the marginal ice zone
Amy Solomon
CIRES/University of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL, Boulder Colorado

WCD 10. Ionospheric Forecast during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Using the IDEA Model
Houjun Wang (1), Rashid A Akmaev (2), Tim Fuller-Rowell (1), Tzu-Wei Fang (1), and Jun Wang (3)

WCD 11. The international surface pressure databank version 4
Chesley McColl(1,2), Xungang Yin(3), Gilbert Compo(1,2), Rob Allan(4,7), Russ Vose(5), Scott Woodruff(2), Ken R. Knapp(5), Thomas Cram(6), Jeff Whitaker(2), Philip Brohan(7)
1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences 2 Physical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3 STG Inc. 4 Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth Initiative 5 NOAA National Climatic Data Center 6 National Center for Atmospheric Research 7 Met Office Hadley Centre

WCD 12. Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI): The Physical Basis.
Mike Hobbins (1,2), Daniel McEvoy (3), Justin Huntington (3,4), Andrew Wood (5), James Verdin (6)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA/Physical Sciences Division, (3) University of Nevada-Reno, (4) Desert Research Institute, (5) National Center for Atmospheric Research, (6) United States Geological Survey

WCD 13. NITE (NWP Information Technology Environment): an infrastructure to facilitate development of NCEP numerical models
Ligia Bernardet (1) and Laurie Carson (2)
(1) CIRES and NOAA ESRL/GSD, (2) National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO

WCD 14. A precipitation climatology from the 3-km High-Resolution Rapid Refresh
Eric James (1), Stan Benjamin (2), and Curtis Alexander (1)

WCD 15. Stratospheric Composition And Impacts On Circulation Including Tropical Width
Sean Davis(1,2), Karen Rosenlof(1), Eric Ray(1,2), Birgit Hassler(1,2)

WCD 16. MADIS - The Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System
Leon Benjamin (1), Gopa Padmanabhan (2), Greg Pratt (3)

WCD 17. The 2015 Operational Upgrades to the Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)
Curtis Alexander (1), Steve Weygandt (2), Stan Benjamin (2), David Dowell (2), Ming Hu (1), Tanya Smirnova (1), Joseph Olson (1), Jaymes Kenyon (1), Georg Grell (2), Eric James (1), John Brown (2), Haidao Lin (3), Bill Moninger (1), Jeff Hamilton (1), Xue Wei (3), Terra Ladwig (1) and Brian Jamison (3)

WCD 18. Exploring probabilistic precipitation and hydrologic forecasts for a flash flood event
Kelly Mahoney (1), David Gochis (2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NCAR

WCD 19. Advancing the GSD Cloud and Precipitation Hydrometeor Analysis Towards Hybrid Ensemble-Variational Data Assimilation
Therese Ladwig (1,2), M. Hu (1,2), S. Weygandt (2), S. Benjamin (2), D. Dowell (2), C. Alexander (1,2)

WCD 20. Impact of Microphysical Consistency between Sub-grid and Grid-Resolved Cloud Parameterizations on QPF and Simulated Radar Reflectivity
Evelyn D. Grell(1,2), Sara A. Michelson(1,2), Jian-Wen Bao(2)

WCD 21. Comparison of Global Precipitation Estimates across a Range of Temporal and Spatial Scales
Maria Gehne (1), Tom Hamill (2), George Kiladis (2)

WCD 22. SOS: Cognition + Affect = Effect
Shilpi Gupta (1), Marda Kirn (2)
(1) CIRES, (2) EcoArts Connections

WCD 23. Calibrating a Wind Profiler (After the Fact) Using Surface- and Satellite-Based Methods
L.M. Hartten (1,2), P.E. Johnston (1,2), V.M. Rodríguez Castro (3,4), and P.S. Esteban Pérez (3,5)
(1) CIRES (2) NOAA/ESRL/Physical Sciences Division (3) PRE-College Internship Program (PRECIP), NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (4) University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (5) Colegio San José, Cajicá, Columbia

WCD 24. Physical Modeling of Neutral Winds in the Thermosphere
M. Fedrizzi(1), T.J. Fuller-Rowell(1), M. Codrescu(2), V. Yudin(1), E. Doornbos(3), M. Conde(4), K. Shiokawa(5), Q. Wu(6)
(1)CU/CIRES and NOAA/SWPC, (2)NOAA/SWPC, (3)Faculty of Aerospace Engineering/Delft University of Technology, (4)Geophysical Institute/University of Alaska Fairbanks, (5)Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory/Nagoya University, (6)High Altitude Observatory/NCAR

WCD 25. Sensitivity of Arctic climate to spectral nudging in the Regional Arctic System Model
Mimi Hughes (1,2), John Cassano (1,3), Andrew Roberts (4), and Wieslaw Maslowski (4)
1. CIRES 2. NOAA ESRL 3. ATOC 4. Naval Postgraduate School

WCD 26. Spatiotemporal Variation in the Summer Arctic Frontal Zone
Alex Crawford (1,2), Mark Serreze (1,2)
(1) NSIDC (2) Geography Department

WCD 27. Influence of the basic state zonal flow on convectively coupled equatorial waves
Juliana Dias (1,2) and George Kiladis (2)

WCD 28. Predictability and Ensemble Modeling of the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region
Tomoko Matsuo (1,2), Timothy J Fuller-Rowell (1,2), Tzu-Wei Fang (1,2), Valery Yudin (1,2), Kayo Ide (3), Daryl T Kleist (3), Adam Kubaryk (3), Xinan Yue (5), Chih-Ting Hsu (9), Houjun Wang (1,2), Rashid A Akmaev (2), Jeffrey S Whitaker (4), Rodney Viereck (2), Mihail Codrescu (2), Arthur D Richmond (6), Tom Woods (1), Thomas J Immel (7), Brian J Anderson (8), Larry J Paxton (8) and J. Y. Liu (9)
(1) University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (2) NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder, CO, United States, (3) University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States, (4) NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO, United States, (5) UCAR, Boulder, CO, United States, (6) NCAR High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, CO, United States, (7) University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, (8) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, United States, (9) National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan

WCD 29. Preliminary Evaluation of NMME Hindcast Results from FIM/iHYCOM Coupled Model
Shan Sun1, Rainer Bleck1,2, Stan Benjamin1 and Haiqin Li1
(1) NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (2) NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

WCD 30. Comprehensive Evaluation of Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Precipitation Products with a Distributed Hydrologic Model
Chengmin Hsu (1), Rob Cifelli (2), Lynn E. Johnson (3), Robert J. Zamora (2)
(1) CIRES, (2) NOAA ESRL, (3) CIRA, Colorado State University

WCD 31. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited
M. Newman (1,2) ; M. Alexander (2) ; T. Ault, (3) ; K. Cobb (4) ; C. Deser (5) ; E. Dilorenzo (4) ; N. Mantua (6) ; A. Miller (7) ; S. Minobe (8) ; H. Nakamura (9) ; N. Schneider (10) ; D. Vimont (11); A. Phillips (5); J. Scott (1,2); C. Smith (1,2)
(1) University of Colorado/CIRES, Boulder, CO; (2) NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO; (3) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; (4) Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA; (5) National Center for Atmospheric Research, Climate analysis section, Boulder, CO; (6) NOAA/NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA; (7) Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA; (8) Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; (9) University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; (10) University of Hawaii, International Pacific Research Center, Honolulu, HI; (11) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Western Water Assessment

WWA 1. Development and Use of Climate Scenarios for Natural Resource Management in Southwestern Colorado
Imtiaz Rangwala (1,2), Renee Rondeau (3), Carina Wyborn (4) and Katie Clifford (5)
1 Western Water Assessment/CIRES, University of Colorado 2 Physical Sciences Division, NOAA ESRL, Boulder, CO 3 Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 4 Luc Hoffmann Institute, WWF International, Switzerland 5 Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

WWA 2. Western Water Assessment: Continued Efforts and New Directions
Eric Gordon (1), Lisa Dilling (1), Jeff Lukas (1), Elizabeth McNie (1), and Tim Bardsley (1)
(1) CIRES Western Water Assessment

WWA 3. Adaptation at the municipal scale in the US Mountain West: What drives action in the face of weather and climate-related hazards?
Lisa Dilling (1,2,3,4), John Berggren (1,2,3), Ashwin Ravikumar(5), Krister Andersson(1,6)
(1) Western Water Assessment, (2) CIRES, (3) CSTPR, (4) UCB Environmental Studies Program, (5) Center for International Forestry Research, (6) UCB Political Science Department

WWA 4. Crop switching under climate change: Simulating adaptation in a northern Great Plains dryland farm
Adam McCurdy (1), Bill Travis (2)
(1) CIRES Western Water Assessment (2) University of Colorado Department of Geography