Division Posters

$url = "https://insidecires.colorado.edu/rendezvous/acceptedPosters.php?function=getDivisions";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
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curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
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$output = curl_exec($ch);

$division_array = array();
$division_array = json_decode($output,true);

echo '<ul>';
foreach($division_array as $key=>$value)
echo '<li><a style="text-decoration:none;font-size:14px;" href="#' . $value["DivisionShortName"] . '">' . $value["DivisionLongName"] . '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';


Poster Titles/ Authors and Abstracts

To view each poster's abstract, please click on the poster title. You can also navigate to a specific division's posters by using the Division Posters menu on the right.


ADM 1. CIRES Communications Team
Katy Human (CIRES), Robin Strelow (CIRES), Karin Vergoth (CIRES), Laura Krantz (CIRES)

Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

CSTP 1. Playing with Fire: Assessing the effects of risk interdependency and social norms on homeowners’ wildfire mitigation decisions using choice experiments
Katherine Dickinson (CIRES)

CSTP 2. Institutional Adaptation, Self-Governed Irrigation Systems, and Climate Change in the San Luis Valley of Colorado
Kelsey Cody (Environmental Studies program, University of Colorado Boulder), Krister Andersson (Political Science Department, University of Colorado Boulder)

Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division

CPP 1. Leveraging GeoTIFF compatibility for visualizing a new EASE-Grid 2.0 global satellite passive microwave Climate record
Mary Jo Brodzik (NSIDC), Molly Hardman (NSIDC), David Long (BYU), Aaron Paget (University of Connecticut), Terry Haran (NSIDC)

CPP 2. Progress on a Landsat 8 Image Mosaic of Antarctica
Allen Pope (NSIDC), Ted Scambos (NSIDC)

CPP 3. Analysis of barrier wind event near Greenland during the May 2015 Polar Winds Aircraft Campaign
Alice K. DuVivier (CIRES), John J. Cassano (CIRES), Steve Greco (Simpson Weather Associates)

CPP 4. Sharing Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Partnership with Arctic Communities in the Digital Age
Betsy Sheffield (NSIDC), Heidi McCann (NSIDC), Agnieszka Gautier (NSIDC), Peter L. Pulsifer (NSIDC), Colleen A. Strawhacker (NSIDC), Chris McNeave (NSIDC)

CPP 5. Autumn and winter atmospheric response to western Arctic autumn anomalous heating
Elizabeth N Cassano (CIRES), John J Cassano (CIRES,ATOC)

CPP 6. Surface energy fluxes at Summit, Greenland
Nathaniel Miller (CIRES), Matthew Shupe (CIRES), Christopher Cox (CIRES), David Noone (Oregon State University), Ola Persson (CIRES)

CPP 7. Fractional snow cover for Landsat OLI, MODIS, and VIIRS from spectral mixture analysis
Karl Rittger (CIRES,NSIDC), Kathryn Bormann (JPL), Mary J. Brodzik (CIRES,NSIDC), Richard Armstrong (CIRES,NSIDC), Thomas H. Painter (JPL), Jeff Dozier (UCSB)

CPP 8. New Landsat-based Ice Velocity Mosaics of Antarctica
Terry Haran (NSIDC), Marin Klinger (NSIDC), Ted Scambos (NSIDC), Mark Fahnestock (U. of Alaska at Fairbanks)

CPP 9. Exploring Cryospheric Changes and Land Surface Phenology in Greenland
Jeffery A. Thompson (CIRES,NSIDC), Lora S. Koenig (CIRES,NSIDC)

CPP 10. 1960's Numbus Satellite Data Rescue Project
David Gallaher (CIRES,NASA,NSIDC), Garrett Campbell (CIRES,NASA,NSIDC)

CPP 11. Annual Greenland accumulation derived from airborne radar and comparisons to modeled and in situ data
Lora Koenig (NSIDC), Alvaro Ivanoff (NASA,NASA), Patrick Alexander (NASA)

CPP 12. Identifying vulnerabilities of an operational snowmelt model to unusual snow conditions and melt drivers
Mark S. Raleigh (CIRES,NSIDC), Jeffrey Deems (CIRES,NSIDC)

CPP 13. Changes in Greenland and Alaska Ice Surface Roughness and Relationships to Glacial Acceleration - Analyses using Altimeter Data from ICESat GLAS and ICESat-2 Simulator Insturments
Ute Herzfeld (CIRES), Thomas Trantow (ECEE), Gavin Medley (ECEE), David Harding (NASA GSFC), William Cook (NASA GSFC), Thorsten Markus (NASA GSFC), Thomas Neumann (NASA GSFC), Kelly Brunt (NASA GSFC)

CPP 14. Changes in the Earth’s largest surge glacier system from satellite and airborne altimetry and imagery
Thomas Trantow (ECEE at CU), Ute Herzfeld (CIRES,ECEE at CU), Mattia Astarita (ECEE at CU)

Ecosystem Science Division

ES 1. Influence of spatial variability in photosynthesis on metabolic measurements in rivers
Lindsay Chipman (CIRES), William M. Lewis, Jr. (CIRES), James H. McCutchan, Jr. (CIRES)

Education Outreach Program

EO 1. Lens on Climate Change (LOCC): Engaging Diverse Secondary Students in Climate Science through Videography
Erin Leckey (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Melanie Woods (Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER) Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences (CARTSS)), Sarah Wise (Arts and Sciences Support of Education Through Technology (ASSETT)), Lesley Smith (CIRES), David Oonk (CIRES), Susan Lynds (CIRES), Karen Cozzetto (CIRES), Dick Alweis (Colorado Film School), Max Boykoff (CIRES), Beth Osnes (Department of Theatre), Rebecca Safran ( Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology ), Valerie Williams (NCAR/UCAR)

EO 2. National Ocean Sciences Bowl - Volunteer Now!
Amanda Morton (CIRES)

EO 3. Attracting Students Into Science: Insights From a Summer Research Internship Program for Community College Students in Colorado
Lesley K. Smith (CIRES), Anne U. Gold (CIRES), Suzanne P. Anderson (INSTAAR), Jennifer L. Taylor (CIRES), Noah Fierer (CIRES), Rebecca Batchelor (NCAR/UCAR)

EO 4. Visual Display of Scientific Studies, Methods, and Results
Rick Saltus (CIRES), Erin LeFavre (CIRES), Maurizio Fedi (Italy)

EO 5. Working with the CIRES Education and Outreach Group
Susan M. B. Sullivan (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Erin leckey (CIRES), Susan Lynds (CIRES), Amanda Morton (CIRES), David Oonk (CIRES), Lesley Smith (CIRES), Jennifer Taylor (CIRES)

EO 6. Achieving the Education Outreach Goals of an NSF CAREER Award Through the Mysterious Microbes Project
Susan Sullivan (CIRES), Jennifer Taylor (CIRES), Noah Fierer (CIRES), Hannah Holland-Moritz (CU EBIO), Kristin Swihart (CU BSI), Ryan Heiland (CU)

Environmental Chemistry Division

EC 1. An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and VOC Analysis System: Results from SONGNEX 2015
Brian Lerner (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jessica Gilman (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ken Aikin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Gabe Isaacman-VanWertz (M.I.T.), Abigail Koss (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Bill Kuster (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Rich McLaughlin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Donna Sueper (Aerodyne Research), Travis Tokarek (U. of Calgary), Carsten Warneke (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Bin Yuan (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Joost deGouw (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

EC 2. Design of a novel aircraft open-path cavity ringdown spectrometer
Gabriela Adler (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Nicholas L. Wagner (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Bernard J. Mason (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Mathews Richardson (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Charles Brock (NOAA/CSD), Frank Erdesz (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Timothy Gordon (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Daniel Murphy (NOAA/CSD)

EC 3. Multiphase Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid
Allison E. Reed Harris (CIRES,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado), Veronica Vaida (CIRES,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado), Jean-Francois Doussin (), Anne Monod (CIRES,), Aline Gratien (), Mathieu Cazaunau (), Rebecca J. Rapf (CIRES,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado)

EC 4. The application of long-term observations of NOx and CO to constrain a global emissions inventory
Birgit Hassler (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Brian C. McDonald (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Agnes Borbon (LaMP, France), Kevin Civerolo (New York State Department of Environmental Conservarion), Claire Granier (CIRES,NOAA/CSD,LATMOS, France), Gregory J. Frost (NOAA/CSD), Paul S. Monks (Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester, UK), Sarah Monks (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), David D. Parrish (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ilana Pollack (Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University), Karen H. Rosenlof (NOAA/CSD), Michael Trainer (NOAA/CSD), Erika von Schneidemesser (IASS, Germany), Thomas B. Ryerson (NOAA/CSD)

EC 5. Observations of particle organic nitrate from airborne and ground platforms in North America: Insights into vertical and geographical distributions, gas/particle partitioning, losses, and contributions to total particle nitrate
Douglas A. Day (CIRES), Pedro Campuzano-Jost (CIRES), Brett B. Palm (CIRES), Weiwei Hu (CIRES), Benjamin A. Nault (CIRES,NOAA/GMP,Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA), Paul J. Wooldridge (Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA), Ronald C. Cohen (Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA), Kenneth. S. Docherty (Alion Science and Technology, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), Nicholas L. Wagner (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), J. Alex Huffman (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Denver, Denver, CO USA), Jose L. Jimenez (CIRES)

EC 6. Mobile Column Measurements of HCHO, NO2, NH3, and C2H6 in Colorado during FRAPPE
Natalie Kille (CIRES), Sunil Baidar (CIRES), Ivan Ortega (CIRES), Roman Sinreich (CIRES), James W. Hannigan (NCAR), Owen Cooper (NOAA), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES)

EC 7. Glyoxal Emission Factors from Biomass Burning
Kyle J Zarzana (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Kyung-Eun Min (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), John S Holloway (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jennifer B Kaiser (University of Wisconsin), J Andrew Neuman (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), William P Dube (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Rebecca A Washenfelder (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Frank N Keutsch (University of Wisconsin), Steven S Brown (NOAA/CSD)

EC 8. Insights into the contribution of domestic biomass burning to urban pollution in two Colorado cities.
Matthew M. Coggon (CIRES), Patrick Veres (CIRES), Bin Yuan (CIRES), Abigail Koss (CIRES), Carsten Warneke (CIRES), Karl D. Froyd (CIRES), Jeff Peischl (CIRES), Ken Aikin (CIRES), Thomas B. Ryerson (NOAA/CSD), Charles A. Brock (NOAA/CSD), Joost de Gouw (CIRES)

EC 9. Influence of Oil and Gas Emission on Summertime Ozone in the Colorado Northern Front Range
Erin E. McDuffie (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Peter M. Edwards (Department of Chemistry, University of York), Jessica B. Gilman (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Brian M. Lerner (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Michael Trainer (NOAA/CSD), Kenneth Aikin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Daniel E. Wolfe (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Alex G. Tevlin (Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto), Wayne M. Angevine (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Joost A. de Gouw (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jennifer Murphy (Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto), Emily V. Fischer (Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University), Stuart McKeen (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Thomas B. Ryerson (NOAA/CSD), Steven S. Brown (NOAA/CSD)

EC 10. CMIP5 estimate of Earth’s energy budget
Erik JL Larson (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Robert W Portmann (NOAA/ESRL)

EC 11. Emissions of volatile organic compounds from animal husbandry
Bin Yuan (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Abigail Koss (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Matthew M. Coggon (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Carsten Warneke (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Scott Eilerman, (), Andy Neuman (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ken Aikin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Thomas Ryerson (NOAA/CSD), Joost de Gouw (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

EC 12. Carboxylic acid photochemistry is a marine source of glyoxal and other aldehydes
Randall Chiu (CIRES,Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Liselotte Tinel (Université de Lyon 1, Lyon, F-69626, France and CNRS, UMR5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches Sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Villeurbanne, F-69626, France), Laura Gonzalez (CIRES,Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Christian George (Université de Lyon 1, Lyon, F-69626, France and CNRS, UMR5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches Sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, Villeurbanne, F-69626, France), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder)

EC 13. Using Observations to Constrain Volatile Organic Compound Emissions for Urban Air Quality Modeling
Brian McDonald (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Joost de Gouw (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Jessica Gilman (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Si-Wan Kim (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Stuart McKeen (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Gregory Frost (NOAA/ESRL), Michael Trainer (NOAA/ESRL)

EC 14. Top-down estimates of methane and nitrogen oxide emissions from the Haynesville and Fayetteville shale gas production regions
Yuyan Cui (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Jerome Brioude (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Stuart McKeen (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Wayne Angevine (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Daven Henze (CU-Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Zhen Liu (Ramboll Environ US Corporation), Nicolas Bousserez (CU-Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Thomas Ryerson (NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Gregory Frost (NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Michael Trainer (NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD)

EC 15. Photon Induced Aerosol Formation in Planetary Atmospheres: Photochemical Hydration of Sulfur Dioxide
Jay A. Kroll (CIRES,CU-Boulder Chemistry and Biochemistry), D. James Donaldson (University of Toronto), Veronica Vaida (CIRES,CU-Boulder Chemistry and Biochemistry)

EC 16. Mid-tropospheric spectral length-scale analysis of many constituents from aircraft, satellite and model results during the 2013 SENEX field study
Stuart McKeen (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Greg Frost (NOAA/CSD), S.-W. Kim (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Wayne Angevine (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Yuyan Cui (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Brian McDonald (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Michael Trainer (NOAA/CSD), John Holloway (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Tom Ryerson (NOAA/CSD), Antonia Gambacorta (STC), Chris Barnet (STC), Nadia Smith (STC), Brad Peirce (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR)

EC 17. Atmospheric distribution of mineral dust and other coarse mode aerosol
Karl Froyd (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Charles Brock (NOAA/CSD), Daniel Murphy (NOAA/CSD)

EC 18. Characterization of a Quantum Cascade Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectrometer (QC-TILDAS) for atmospheric ethane and methane field measurements
Ingrid Mielke-Maday (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,University of Colorado Boulder), Tara Yacovitch (Aerodyne Research, Inc.), Steve Conley (University of California Davis), Colm Sweeney (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Tim Newberger (NOAA/ESRL), Ed Dlugokencky (NOAA/ESRL), Jonathan Kofler (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Philip Handley (NOAA/ESRL), Scott Herndon (Aerodyne Research, Inc.), Gregory Frost (NOAA/CSD), Benjamin Miller (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Bradley Hall (NOAA/ESRL), Duane Kitzis (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Veronica Vaida (CIRES,University of Colorado Boulder), (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Pieter Tans (NOAA/ESRL)

Benjamin R. Miller (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Doug Guenther (CIRES), Peter Salameh (), Brad Hall (NOAA/ESRL), Molly Crotwell (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Jim Kastengren (CIRES), Don David (CIRES), Pieter Tans (NOAA/ESRL)

Environmental Observations, Modeling and Forecasting Division

EOMF 1. Geographical and Temporal Differences in NOAA Observed Surface Ozone in the Arctic
Audra G. McClure-Begley (CIRES,NOAA/GMP), Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/GMP), Sara Crepinsek (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Samuel J. Oltmans (CIRES,NOAA/GMP), Mark Leonard (NOAA/GMP,STC)

EOMF 2. Using GEFS ensemble forecasts for decision making in reservoir management in California
Michael Scheuerer (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Thomas Hamill (NOAA/PSD), Robert Webb (NOAA/PSD)

EOMF 3. Cross-Calibration of On-Orbit Solar EUV Instruments
Darnel, Jonathan (CIRES,NOAA/NGDC)

EOMF 4. Boulder ozone sonde data analyses for multiple tropopause origins
Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Bryan Johnson (NOAA/GMD), Gloria L Manney (NorthWest Research Associates, Boulder, CO, USA), Ken Minschwaner (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, USA), Anthony Giljum (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, USA), Allen Jordan (CIRES,NOAA.GMD), (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

EOMF 5. Pre-Launch Calibration and Performance Study of the PolarCube 3U Temperature Sounding Radiometer Mission
Lavanya Periasamy (CET), Al Gasiewski (CIRES,CET), Glenda Alvarenga (CoSGC), Brian Sanders (CoSGC), Joshua Gordon (NIST), Dave Gallaher (CIRES,NSIDC)

EOMF 6. A new JavaScript-based visualization suite of tools MATS ( Model Assessment Tool Suite)
Xue Wei (CIRES), Randy Pierce (CIRA)

EOMF 7. Using paleoclimate data to inform future projections of hydroclimate change
Carrie Morrill (CIRES,NOAA/NGDC), Daniel Lowry (NOAA/NGDC,University of Michigan), Brandon Euker (NOAA/NGDC,James Madison University)

EOMF 8. The impact of dropsonde data on forecast accuracy of simulated winter storms
Jason M. English (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Tanya R. Peevey (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Hongli Wang (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Andrew C. Kren (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Lidia Cucurull (NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 9. The Global Observing Systems Analysis (GOSA) Group at NOAA ESRL
Tanya R. Peevey (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Lidia Cucurull (NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 10. Understanding Sources of Predictability of Hydrologic Extremes in the Upper Missouri Basin
Andrew M. Badger (CIRES), Ben Livneh (CIRES), Martin P. Hoerling (NOAA/PSD), Jon K. Eischeid (CIRES), Robert S. Webb (NOAA/PSD)

EOMF 11. Present-day distribution of global tropospheric ozone
Audrey Gaudel (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Owen Cooper (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/CSD), Jane Liu (University of Toronto, Canada), Herve Petetin (), Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/GMD), David Tarasick (Environment Canada), Valerie Thouret (), Corinne Vigouroux (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), Brussels, Belgium), Jerry Ziemke (University of Maryland, Baltimore Co., Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center)

EOMF 12. How does “fixing” the Southern Ocean absorbed shortwave radiation bias impact climate sensitivity and atmospheric circulation?
William R. Frey (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder), Jennifer E. Kay (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder)

EOMF 13. An Investigation of an Inland Penetrating Atmospheric River over the Pacific Northwest Using a High Resolution Modeling Method
Michael J. Mueller (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Kelly Mahoney (NOAA/PSD)

EOMF 14. Analysis, Determination and Reprocessing Methods Used for Homogenization of the NOAA Long-term ECC Ozonesonde Time Series
Chance Sterling (CIRES), Bryan Johnson (NOAA/ESRL), Patrick Cullis (CIRES), Allen Jordan (CIRES), Sam Oltmans (CIRES)

EOMF 15. Visualizing Complex Marine Acoustic Data
Charles D. Anderson(CIRES), Carrie C. Wall (CIRES), Susan J. McLean (NOAA/NGDC)

EOMF 16. Exospheric hydrogen density estimates from solar extreme ultraviolet measurements
Janet Machol (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Paul Loto'aniu (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Martin Snow (LASP), Rodney Viereck (NOAA/SWPC), Don Woodraska (LASP), Rob Redmon (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 17. Methane and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Colorado: from sources signatures to regional impacts
Gabrielle Petron (CIRES), Benjamin Miller (CIRES), Jonathan Kofler (CIRES), Eryka Thorley (formerly CIRES), Ingrid Mielke-Maday (CIRES), Owen Sherwood (CU INSTAAR), Bruce Vaughn (CU INSTAAR), Stefan Schwietzke (CIRES), Steve Montzka (NOAA/ESRL), Colm Sweeney (NOAA/ESRL), Anna Karion (now at NIST), Pieter Tans (NOAA/ESRL), Arlyn Andrews (NOAA/ESRL), Ed Dlugokencky (NOAA/ESRL), Patricia Lang (NOAA/ESRL), Tim Newberger (CIRES)

EOMF 18. Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2 - Improving Short-Term Weather Forecasts in Complex Terrain for Wind Energy
Andrew Kumler (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Kathy Lantz (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL)

EOMF 19. Flexible and scalable systems for ingest and transformation of scientific data
Aaron Caldwell (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Waverly Hinton (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Evan McQuinn (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Erin Reeves (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Michael Anstett (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Brendan Billingsley (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Danielle Harper (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Elizabeth Delk (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Semere Ghebrechristos (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Ken Tanaka (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), David Neufeld (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 20. Aerosol Optical Extinction and Hygroscopicity in the Southeastern U.S.
Nick Wagner (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Charles Borck (NOAA/CSD), Tim Gordon (NOAA/CSD), Dan Murphy (NOAA/CSD)

Solid Earth Sciences Division

SES 1. Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid 2 arc-minute resolution (EMAG2)
Brian Meyer (CIRES,NOAA/NGDC), Richard Saltus (CIRES,NOAA/NGDC), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES,NOAA/NGDC)

SES 2. Geodetic Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Colorado and Oklahoma
Magali Barba (CIRES), Kristy Tiampo (CIRES)

SES 3. S-wave tomographic model of the Sierra Nevada and vicinity, California: Constraining compositional effects through Vp/Vs and shear wave anisotropy
Melissa Bernardino (Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO., USA), Craig H. Jones (Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO., USA), William Levandowski (United States Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center, Golden, CO., USA)

SES 4. Hydroacoustic Signals from Antarctica Detected at Ocean-Bottom Seismic Stations off New Zealand
Justin Ball (CIRES), Anne Sheehan (CIRES), Ted Scambos (CIRES,NSIDC)

Weather and Climate Dynamics Division

WCD 1. Variability of rain rate estimators due to rainfall types: assessment based on hydrometeorology testbed data
Sergey Matrosov (CIRES), Rob Cifelli (NOAA/ESRL), Paul Neiman (NOAA/ESRL), Allen White (NOAA/ESRL)

WCD 2. Streamlining transition of new developments to the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting model
Ligia Bernardet (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Christina Holt (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), James Frimel (NOAA/GSD,CSU/CIRA), Laurie Carson (NCAR/UCAR), Kathryn Newman (NCAR/UCAR), Mrinal Biswas (NCAR/UCAR)

WCD 3. Ionospheric effects of magneto-acoustic-gravity waves: Dispersion relation
R. Michael Jones (CIRES), Lev A. Ostrovsky (Applied Mathematics Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, U.S.A.), Alfred J. Bedard Jr. (CIRES)

WCD 4. Towards increasing near-surface spread in the Global Ensemble Forecast System
Maria Gehne (CIRES), Gary T. Bates (CIRES), Thomas M Hamill (NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 5. Characteristics, Variability and Impact of Atmospheric Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere-Ionosphere as Determined from Dynasonde Data
Catalin Negrea (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Nikolay Zabotin (CIRES), Terrence Bullett (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Mike Rietveld (EISCAT), Tim Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Mihail Codrescu (NOAA/SWPC)

WCD 6. Subseasonal Stratospheric Waves and their Impact on Tropical Rainfall
Lei Zhang (CIRES), Kristopher Karnauskas (CIRES,ATOC, University of Colorado, Boulder), Jeffrey B. Weiss (ATOC, University of Colorado, Boulder), Lorenzo M. Polvani (Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University)

WCD 7. Understanding extratropical cyclone precipitation change in a warmer climate
Vineel Yettella (CIRES), Jennifer E. Kay (CIRES)

WCD 8. Future Freshwater Stress for Island Populations
Kristopher B. Karnauskas (CIRES), Jeffrey P. Donnelly (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Kevin J. Anchukaitis (University of Arizona)

WCD 9. Forecast Skill Impact from Assimilating Various Observation Types in a Rapidly Updating Numerical Weather Prediction Model
Eric James (CIRES), Stan Benjamin (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 10. Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Water Year Outlooks in California

WCD 11. Changes in extreme precipitation with warming across CMIP5 model simulations
Angeline G. Pendergrass (CIRES)

WCD 12. A web-based tool to examine probability distributions of weather and climate data
Catherine Smith (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Gilbert P. Compo (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Prashant Sardesmukh (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL)

WCD 13. Sea level variability in the coastal ocean induced by atmospheric forcing for the period 1851-2011
G. Jorda (CIRES,University of the Balearic Islands), R.S.Nerem (CIRES,University of Colorado), G. P. Compo (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 14. Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
Maximilian Maahn (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), (University of Cologne)

WCD 15. The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: preparation, objectives and first results.
Irina V. Djalalova (CIRES), Laura Bianco (CIRES), Katherine McCaffrey (NOAA/PSD), James M. Wilczak (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 16. The deterministic and probabilistic subseasonal forecast skills from the FIM-iHYCOM coupled model
Haiqin Li (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Shan Sun (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Rainer Bleck (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Stan Benjamin (NOAA/ESRL), Georg Grell (NOAA/ESRL), Ben Green (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL)

WCD 17. Deterministic and Ensemble Forecasting with the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)
Curtis Alexander (CIRES), David Dowell (NOAA/GSD), Trevor Alcott (NOAA/GSD), Steve Weygandt (NOAA/GSD), Stan Benjamin (NOAA/GSD), Ming Hu (CIRES), Tanya Smirnova (CIRES), Isidora Jankov (CIRA), Joseph Olson (CIRES), Jaymes Kenyon (CIRES), Georg Grell (NOAA/GSD), Eric James (CIRES), John Brown (NOAA/GSD), Terra Ladwig (CIRES), Haidao Lin (CIRA), Jeff Hamilton (CIRES)

WCD 18. Diagnosing Raindrop Breakup and Coalescence from Vertically Pointing Radar Observations
Christopher R. Williams (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 19. Understanding aerosol-cloud interactions in Arctic mixed-phase clouds
Gijs de Boer (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Timothy Garrett (University of Utah), David Turner (NOAA/NSSL), Chuanfeng Zhao (Beijing Normal University)

WCD 20. The Development and Applications of the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project Database
Jeff Hamilton (CIRES), Kirk Holub (NOAA/ESRL), Xue Wei (CIRA), Jaymes Kenyon (CIRES), Joe Olson (CIRES)

WCD 21. Surface Energy Fluxes During Arctic Freeze-Up
Ola Persson (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Byron Blomquist (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Chris Fairall (NOAA/PSD), Peter Guest (NPS/Monterey), Ian Brooks (ULeeds/UK), (UStockholm/Sweden), Dan Wolfe (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Matthew Shupe (CIRES), Sharon Stammerjohn (INSTAAR/CU), (UGothenburg/Sweden), Jun Inoue (JAMSTEC/Japan)

WCD 22. On computation of Hough functions
Houjun Wang (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), John P. Boyd (University of Michigan), Rashid A. Akmaev (NOAA/SWPC)

WCD 23. Development of a parameterization scheme for the scale-adaptive treatment of subgrid mixing in the WRF model
Evelyn Grell (CIRES), Jian-Wen Bao (NOAA/PSD), Joseph Olson (CIRES), Sara Michelson (CIRES), James Wilczak (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 24. A prototype for the next-generation model for global weather prediction: NIM model applied to Hurricane Sandy (2012)
Man Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Jin Lee (NOAA/ESRL), Jian-Wen Bao (NOAA/ESRL), Tom Henderson (NOAA/ESRL,CIRA), Ka Yee Wong (NOAA/ESRL,CIRA), Mark Govett (NOAA/ESRL), Ning Wang (NOAA/ESRL,CIRA)

WCD 25. Translating 'natural resource manager-speak' into 'climate science-speak'
Heather M. Yocum (CIRES), Andrea J. Ray (NOAA/ESRL)

WCD 26. An ocean dynamical thermostat--dominant in observations, absent in climate models
Sloan Coats (CIRES), Kris Karnauskas (CIRES)

WCD 27. Testing of Variational Data Assimilation of Cloud Observations in GSI
Therese Ladwig (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Ming Hu (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Curtis Alexander (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Stephen Weygandt (NOAA/GSD), Stan Benjamin (NOAA/GSD), David Dowell (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 28. Aerosol impact on seasonal prediction using FIM-Chem-iHYCOM coupled model
Shan Sun (CIRES), Li Zhang (CIRES), Georg Grell (NOAA/ESRL), Rainer Bleck (CIRES)

WCD 29. The Impact of Land Cover Change in the Sahel on Atmospheric Circulation and Hydrology in Atmospheric Model Simulations
Stephanie Redfern (CIRES), Lei Zhang (CIRES), Kristopher Karnauskas (CIRES)

WCD 30. Gravity Wave Physics in the NOAA Environmental Modeling System: Improving Predictions across the Stratopause
Valery A. Yudin (CIRES,NCAR/UCAR,NOAA/SWPC), Rashid A. Akmaev (NOAA/SWPC), Timothy J. Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Jordan C. Alpert (NCEP/EMC)

WCD 31. Impact of Midnight Thermosphere Dynamics on the Equatorial Ionosphere
Tzu-Wei Fang (CIRES), R. Akmaev (NOAA/SWPC), R. Stoneback (UTD), T. Fuller-Rowell (CIRES), H. Wang (CIRES)

WCD 32. Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) toward transitioning to operational space weather forecasting
Naomi Maruyama (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Phil Richards (George Mason Univ.), Mariangel Fedrizzi (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Tzu-Wei Fang (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Tim Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Mihail Codrescu (NOAA/SWPC), Peggy Li (NASA), Gerhard Teurich (NOAA/NCEI), Robert Oehmke (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Cecelia DeLuca (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/NCEI), Art Richmond (NCAR/UCAR), Jacques Middlecoff (NOAA/GSD,CIRA, Colorado State Univ.), Rashid Akmaev (NOAA/SWPC), Houjun Wang (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Valery Yudin (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC)

WCD 33. Stratosphere-troposphere coupling insights from the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Compendium
Jeremiah Sjoberg (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Amy Butler (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

WCD 34. Annual and Latitudinal Variations of Surface Fluxes and Surface Meteorology at Arctic Terrestrial Sites
Grachev A. A. (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Taneil Uttal (NOAA/PSD), P. Ola G. Persson (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Elena A. Konopleva-Akish (NOAA/PSD,STC), Sara M. Crepinsek (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Christopher J. Cox (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Christopher W. Fairall (NOAA/PSD), Glen Lesins (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada), Alexander P. Makshtas (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia), Irina A. Repina (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, Russia)

WCD 35. Observational evidence for the impact of dust on ice nucleation in Arctic mixed phase clouds
Matthew Norgren (CIRES), Gijs De Boer (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL)

WCD 36. On the Validation of the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
Mariangel Fedrizzi (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Naomi Maruyama (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Timothy J. Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Phil Richards (George Mason University), Tzu-Wei Fang (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Mihail Codrescu (NOAA/SWPC)

WCD 37. SOS Explorer - A new way to see the world
Eric Hackathorn (NOAA/GSD), Hilary Peddicord (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Jonathan Joyce (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Beth Russell (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Vincent Keller (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Jeff Smith (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), John Schneider (NOAA/GSD)

Western Water Assessment

WWA 1. Western Water Assessment: Innovative Research in Partnership with Decision Makers
Lisa Dilling, PhD (CIRES,ENVS), Ursula Rick, PhD (CIRES), Jeff Lukas (CIRES), Elizabeth McNie, PhD (CIRES), Seth Arens (CIRES)

WWA 2. Uncertainties in future drought assessments due to methodological differences in the estimation of potential evapotranspiration