Division Posters

$url = "https://insidecires.colorado.edu/rendezvous/acceptedPosters.php?function=getDivisions";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$output = curl_exec($ch);

$division_array = array();
$division_array = json_decode($output,true);

echo '<ul>';
foreach($division_array as $key=>$value)
echo '<li><a style="text-decoration:none;font-size:14px;" href="#' . $value["DivisionShortName"] . '">' . $value["DivisionLongName"] . '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';

Poster Titles/ Authors and Abstracts

To view each poster's abstract, please click on the poster title. You can also navigate to a specific division's posters by using the Division Posters menu on the right.


ADM 1. Hey CIRES Super Scientists, Meet Your K-Team!
Kathy Bogan (CIRES), Karin Vergoth (CIRES), Katie Weeman (CIRES), Katy Human (CIRES)

ADM 2. What's Happening in Diversity and Inclusion at CIRES?
Susan M. Sullivan (CIRES), Heidi McCann (CIRES)

ADM 3. CIRES Finance
Rowan Binkley-Jones (CIRES), Rosalind Hernandez (CIRES)

Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

CSTP 1. CSTPR: Integrating Research on Science and Society

CSTP 2. Fracking and Technological Momentum: Dynamics and Future of Oil and Gas Extraction in Colorado
Oonk, David (PhD Student, ATLAS Institute, Center for Science and Technology Policy Research (CSTPR), University of Colorado Boulder), Salaz, Paul (Masters Candidate, Masters of the Environment Program, University of Colorado Boulder )

Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division

CPP 1. Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperature ESDR: A New Era for Gridded Passive Microwave Data
Mary J. Brodzik (NSIDC), David G. Long (Brigham Young University), Molly A. Hardman (NSIDC), Joan M. Ramage (Lehigh University)

CPP 2. Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from In Situ Measurements: 1894 to 2011
Ann Windnagel (NSIDC), Ben Holt (JPL), Florence Fetterer (NSIDC)

CPP 3. The Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS): Understanding the source and trends of cryospheric contributions to the water balance
Karl Rittger (CIRES,NSIDC), Richard L Armstrong (CIRES,NSIDC), Edward Bair (University of California, Santa Barbara), Adina Racoviteanu (Aberystwyth University), Mary J. Brodzik (CIRES,NSIDC), Alice Frances Hill (CIRES,NSIDC), Alana Wilson (CIRES,NSIDC), Joan M Ramage (Lehigh University), Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa (CIRES,NSIDC), Andrew P Barrett (CIRES,NSIDC), Bruce H Raup (CIRES,NSIDC), Thomas H Painter (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

CPP 4. Results From the MiniRad 118 GHz Passive Microwave Sensor Over Antarctica
David Gallaher (NSIDC), Richard Mcallister (NSIDC), Al Gasiewski (CET), Lavanya Periasamy (CET), Michael Hurowitz (OMS), Brian Sander (COSGC), Roger Belter (COSGC), William Hosack (OMS)

CPP 5. Recovering ESSA and NOAA Infrared and Visible High Resolution Data, 1966-1977.
G. Garrett Campbell (NSIDC)

CPP 6. Understanding the Space-Time Variability and Predictability of Arctic Sea Ice Attributes
Sean Horvath (NSIDC), Julienne Stroeve (NSIDC,University College London), Rajagopalan Balaji (CIRES)

CPP 7. Lasers, camera, action: confluence of congruent data streams for improved snowpack monitoring
Mark S. Raleigh (CIRES,NSIDC,WWA), Jeffrey S. Deems (CIRES,NSIDC,WWA)

CPP 8. The 2015 Tyndall-Glacier Landslide of Icy Bay, Alaska: Mass Displacement and Post-Event Landscape Evolution Analysis using Optical Remote Sensing Techniques
Brie Corsa (CIRES), Michael Willis (CIRES), Kristy Tiampo (CIRES)

CPP 9. Refractory black carbon concentrations and size distributions in snow: a global synoptic sampling
Alia Lauren Khan (NSIDC), Joshua Schwarz (NOAA/ESRL), Joseph Katich (CIRES), Richard Armstrong (NSIDC), Diane McKnight (INSTAAR, CU - Boulder)

CPP 10. The Problem of the Missing glacier
Mylène Jacquemart (CIRES), Mike Loso (Wrangell - St. Elias National Park and Preserve), Jasmine Hansen (CIRES), Mike Willis (CIRES), Kristy Tiampo (CIRES)

CPP 11. International cryospheric science capacity building and its role in policy and management
Alana Wilson (NSIDC), Richard Armstrong (NSIDC), Betsy Armstrong (), Andrew P. Barrett (NSIDC), Mary Jo Brodzik (NSIDC), Florence Fetterer (), Jennifer Fluri (CU Geography), Alice Hill (), Rijan Kayastha (), Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa (NSIDC), Alia Khan (NSIDC), Holly Miller (CU CVEN), Cholpon Minbaeva (), Adina Racoviteanu (), Bruce Raup (NSIDC), Karl Rittger (NSIDC)

CPP 12. How much sea ice is there really? Estimating sea ice extent uncertainties from passive microwave data
Walter N. Meier (NSIDC), J. Scott Stewart (NSIDC)

CPP 13. Monitoring shorefast sea ice during spring whaling on Alaska’s North Slope
Matthew Druckenmiller (CIRES,NSIDC)

Ecosystem Science Division

ES 1. Algal Metabolic Response to Transient Thermal Environments for Long Duration Human Spaceflight Life Support
Emily Matula (CIRES,NASA,Smead Department of Aerospace and Engineering Sciences), Dr. James Nabity (Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering and Sciences)

ES 2. Effects of climate change on temperature and thermal structure of a Colorado mountain reservoir
William Lewis (CIRES,Center for Limnology), James McCutchan, Jr. (CIRES,Center for Limnology), Jennifer Roberson (CIRES,Center for Limnology)

ES 3. Development of Thresholds and Exceedance Probabilities for Influent Water Quality to Meet Drinking Water Regulations
Kelsey Reeves (CIRES), Carleigh Samson (Corona Environmental Consulting), R. Scott Summers (Environmental Engineering, CU Boulder), Balaji Rajagopalan (CIRES)

Education Outreach Program

EO 1. Building the Capacity of Climate and Resiliency Education through Three-Dimensional Learning and Co-Design Unit Planning
Jennifer Taylor (CIRES), Susan Sullivan (CIRES), William Penuel (CU School of Education), Katie Van Horne (CU School of Education), Victoria Derr (Cal State Monterey Bay), Morgan Ferris (CU Boulder)

EO 2. National Ocean Sciences Bowl Finals Competition Comes To Boulder
Amanda Morton (CIRES)

EO 3. Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) – Engaging Diverse Secondary Students in Climate Science through Videography
Erin Leckey (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Megan Littrell-Baez (CIRES), Christine Okochi (CIRES), Sarah Wise (Office of Information Technology), Susan Lynds (CIRES), Karen Cozzetto (Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals), Dick Alweis (Colorado Film School), Max Boykoff (CIRES), Beth Osnes (Department of Theater and Dance), Rebecca Safran (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

EO 4. How CIRES Education & Outreach can support you and broaden the impact of your science
Anne U. Gold (CIRES), Kathryn Boyd (CIRES), Erin H. Leckey (CIRES), Megan Littrell-Baez (CIRES), Susan E. Lynds (CIRES), Renee Minaya (CIRES), Amanda Morton (CIRES), Christine Okochi (CIRES), Jennifer Taylor (CIRES)

EO 5. Attracting Students into Science: Insights from a Summer Student Research Program for Community College Students in Colorado
Lesley Smith (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Suzanne Anderson (INSTAAR), Jennifer Taylor (CIRES), Lorena Medina Luna (UCAR), Renee Minaya (CIRES)

EO 6. CrowdMag: An Opportunity for Science and Outreach
Brian Meyer (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Manoj Nair (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Rick Saltus (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Adam Woods (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Nir Boneh (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Patrick Alken (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Neesha Schnepf (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

Environmental Chemistry Division

EC 1. Quantifying the Impact of N2O5 Heterogeneous Chemistry on Wintertime Air Pollution
Erin E. McDuffie (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Dorothy L. Fibiger (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Caroline Womack (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Steven Brown (NOAA/CSD), Ben Lee (University of Washington), Joel Thornton (University of Washington), Alessandro Franchin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ann Middlebrook (NOAA/CSD), Munkh Bassandorj (University of Utah), Jason Schroder (CIRES), Pedro Campuzano-Jost (CIRES), Jose Jimenez (CIRES), Hongyu Guo (Georgia Institute of Technology), Rodney Weber (Georgia Institute of Technology)

EC 2. Tropospheric column ozone variability from space: results from the first multi-instrument intercomparison
Audrey Gaudel (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Owen R. Cooper (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

EC 3. What is in wood fire smoke? Preliminary results on the time evolution of laboratory biomass burning aerosols.
Alessandro Franchin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Middlebrook, A. M. (NOAA/CSD), Adler, G. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Coggon, M. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), deGouw, J. A (CIRES), Gilman, J. (NOAA/CSD), Koss, A. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD,now at MIT), Kroll, J., H. (MIT), Lamb, K. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Lim, C., Y. (MIT), Manfred, K. M. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Roberts, J. M. (NOAA/CSD), Schwarz, J. P. (NOAA/CSD), Sekimoto, K. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD,now at Yokohama City University), Selimovic, V. (University of Montana), Stockwell, C. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Wagner, N. L. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Warneke, C. (NOAA/CSD), Washenfelder, R. A. (NOAA/CSD), Womack, C. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Yokelson, R. (University of Montana), Yuan, B. (CIRES,NOAA/CSD,Jinan University in Guangzhou)

EC 4. Odd oxygen budgets in a polluted winter boundary layer and its implication for wintertime oxidant formation
Caroline Womack (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Erin McDuffie (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Dorothy Fibiger (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Alessandro Franchin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Lexie Goldberger (University of Washington), Alexander Moravek (University of Toronto), Ann Middlebrook (NOAA/CSD), Joel Thornton (University of Washington), Jennifer Murphy (University of Toronto), William Dube (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Munkhbayar Baasandorj (University of Utah), Steve Brown (NOAA/CSD)

EC 5. Deodorant, Cleaning Products, and the Virtue of Smelling Bad: Investigations into Emerging Sources of Air Pollution From Consumer Chemical Products.
Matthew Coggon (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Brian McDonald (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jessica Gilman (NOAA/CSD), Jeff Peischl (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ken Aikin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Thomas Ryerson (NOAA/CSD), Michael Trainer (NOAA/CSD), Joost de Gouw (CIRES), Carsten Warneke (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

EC 6. The Vocus PTR-TOF: A New Instrument for VOC Measurements Coming to CIRES
Joost de Gouw (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Jordan Krechmer (Aerodyne Research Inc.), Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker (TOFWERK AG), Abigail Koss (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Manuel Hutterli (TOFWERK AG), Carsten Stoermer (TOFWERK AG), Benjamin Deming (CIRES,Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry), Joel Kimmel (TOFWERK AG), Carsten Warneke (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Rupert Holzinger (University of Utrecht), John T. Jayne (Aerodyne Research Inc.), Douglas Worsnop (Aerodyne Research Inc.), Katrin Fuhrer (TOFWERK AG), Marc Gonin (TOFWERK AG)

EC 7. MAX-DOAS observations of halogens and OVOC from two remote tropical marine mountaintops – sources and chemical coupling
Theodore K Koenig (CIRES,CU Boulder Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Barbara Dix (CU Boulder Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,CU Boulder Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry)

EC 8. New Measurements of the Rate Constants of the Reactions of Pentenal, Hexenal, Heptenal, and Nonenal with Ozone, OH Radicals, and Br Atoms
Randall Chiu (CIRES,University of Colorado Boulder), Geoff Tyndall (NCAR/UCAR), John Orlando (NCAR/UCAR), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,University of Colorado Boulder)

EC 9. Towards Total Emission Fluxes from Biomass Burning Events – A Test Study from the 2017 Santa Rosa, CA Fires using the CU SOF
Natalie Kille (CIRES,CU Atmospheric Sciences), Barbara Dix (CIRES,CU Chemistry), David Thomson (CU Chemistry), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,CU Chemistry)

EC 10. CLARINET: The Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation Interaction Experiment
Karl Froyd (CIRES)

Environmental Observations, Modeling and Forecasting Division

EOMF 1. PyEcholab: An Open-Source Python Toolkit for Water-Column Echosounder Data Analysis
Charles Anderson (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Carrie Wall (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Rick Towler (NOAA/NMFS), Pamme Crandall (CIRES), George Cutter (NOAA/NMFS), Michael Jech (NOAA/NMFS)

EOMF 2. Polarimetric radar based retrievals of ice hydrometeor shapes and intercomparisons between retrievals and in situ results
Sergey Matrosov (CIRES), Carl Schmitt (NCAR/UCAR), Maximilian Maahn (CIRES), Gijs de Boer (CIRES)

EOMF 3. MADIS -- Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System
Leon Benjamin, Gopa Padmanabhan, Michael Leon (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 4. Chloroform Emissions Estimated with the CarbonTracker-Lagrange North American Regional Inversion Framework
Geoff Dutton (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Stephen Montzka (NOAA/GMD), Arlyn Andrews (NOAA/GMD), Ben Miller (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Colm Sweeney (NOAA/GMD), Carolina Siso (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Molly Crotwell (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), James Elkins (CIRES,NOAA/GMD)

EOMF 5. Changing Conditions in the Arctic: An Analysis of Trends in Observed Surface Ozone Conditions
Audra McClure-Begley (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Sara Morris (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Taneil Uttal (NOAA/PSD), Owen Cooper (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), David Tarasick (Environment Canada), Henrik Skov (Aarhus University), Samuel Oltmans (Retired NOAA/GMD)

EOMF 6. Observations by the Solar UltraViolet Imager of the September 10, 2017 X8.2 Flare
Jonathan Darnel (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Daniel B Seaton (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 7. Developing new watershed-based climate forecast products for hydrologists and water managers
Sarah Baker (CIRES), Balaji Rajagopalan (CIRES), Andrew Wood (NCAR/UCAR)

EOMF 8. Application of satellite and acoustic remote sensing data to characterize the spatial distribution of marine life
Kellie R. Gadeken (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences), Michelle L. Maclennan (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences), Carrie C. Wall (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Kristopher B. Karnauskas (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)

EOMF 9. Mapping the Gaps: Building a pipeline for contributing and accessing crowdsourced bathymetry data
Aaron Rosenberg (CIRES), Jennifer Jencks (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 10. Online Inclusion of Chemical Modules into NOAA's Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS)
Li Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Georg A. Grell (NOAA/GSD), Raffaelle Montuoro (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Stuart A. McKeen (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Cecelia DeLuca (CIRES,NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 11. Overview of the Long-term Ozone Trends and Uncertainties in the Stratosphere(LOTUS) SPARC Activity
Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Daan Hubert (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy), Sophie Godin_Beekmann (), Robert Damadeo (NASA), Viktoria Sofieva (Finnish Meteorological Institute), Birgit Hassler (), Kai-Lan Chang (NRC NOAA)

EOMF 12. Development of the new Drag Suite for High-Resolution Regional and Global Applications
Michael T. Toy (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Joseph B. Olson (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Tanya Smirnova (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Jaymes S. Kenyon (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), John M. Brown (NOAA/GSD), Georg Grell (NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 13. Using Google Sheets and App Scripts to Generate netCDF File Headers
Margaret Tilton (NOAA/NCEI), Stefan Codrescu (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 14. Prioritizing Accessibility as a Web Developer
Zeb Delk (CIRES), Elliott Richerson (CIRES), Arianna Jakositz (CIRES)

EOMF 15. 3-D Inhomogeous Radiative Transfer Model using a Planar-stratified Forward RT Model and Horizontal Perturbation Series
Kun Zhang (Center for Environmental Technology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of ECEE, Boulder, CO), Albin J. Gasiewski (Center for Environmental Technology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of ECEE, Boulder, CO)

EOMF 16. GOES-16 Magnetometer Calibration and Validation
Sam Califf (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Paul Loto'aniu (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Rob Redmon (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 17. Development of GSD's Model Analysis Tool Suite (MATS)
Molly Smith (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Randy Pierce (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Jeff Hamilton (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Kirk Holub (NOAA/GSD), Bonny Strong (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Dave Turner (NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 18. Poster Cancelled By Request

EOMF 19. Prioritizing Accessibility as a Web Developer
Zeb Delk (CIRES), Elliott Richerson (CIRES), Arianna Jakositz (CIRES)

EOMF 20. Exploring ocean circulation's geoelectric fields with Pacific Ocean submarine voltage cables
Neesha R. Schnepf (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Manoj C. Nair (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Natalie P. Thomas (University of Maryland), Alexey Kuvshinov ()

EOMF 21. Advantages and limitations of measuring BTEX with a commercial GC-PID system in-situ
Monica Madronich (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Ingrid A. Mielke-Maday (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Philip Handley (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Andy Crotwell (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Jonathan Kofler (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Ed Dlugokencky (NOAA/GMD), Ben R Miller (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Ben Khan (MOCON-AMETEK), Adam Gniewek (MOCON-AMETEK), Gabrielle Petron (CIRES,NOAA/GMD)

EOMF 22. Development of a Bow-tie Inversion Technique for Real-time Processing of the GOES-16 SEISS MPS-HI Electron Channels and Comparison of the Resulting Fluxes with the GOES-13 MAGED and EPEAD Electron Channels
Athanasios Boudouridis (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Juan V. Rodriguez (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Brian T. Kress (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 23. First Measurements from the EUV and X-Ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS) on GOES-16
Janet Machol (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Frank Eparvier (LASP), Rodney Viereck (NOAA/SWPC), Tom Woods (LASP), Andrew Jones (LASP), Martin Snow (LASP), Don Woodraska (LASP), Ed Thiemann (LASP), William McClintock (LASP), Mike Anfinson (LASP)

EOMF 24. NOAA Global Radiation Group (G-RAD) Participation in International Comparisons Offering Traceable Calibration to World Solar Radiation Standards
Emiel Hall (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Patrick Disterhoft (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Kathleen Lantz (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Charles N. Long (CIRES,NOAA/GMD), Allison McComiskey (NOAA/GMD), Jim Wendell (NOAA/GMD), Charles Wilson (CIRES,NOAA/GMD)

EOMF 25. Regional, Continuous Methane Leak Detection Using Dual Frequency Comb Lasers and Atmospheric Inversions
Caroline Alden (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Sean Coburn (CU Boulder), Robert Wright (CU Boulder), Esther Baumann (NIST), Kevin Cossel (NIST), Colm Sweeney (NOAA/ESRL), Anna Karion (NIST), Kuldeep Prasad (NIST), Ian Coddington (NIST), Greg Rieker (CU Boulder)

EOMF 26. Improved uncertainty estimates in the SWOOSH merged data set and implications for understanding long-term water vapor variability
Sean Davis (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Karen Rosenlof (NOAA/CSD), Dale Hurst (CIRES,NOAA/GMD)

EOMF 27. Easy Identification of Data Gaps Through Time
Aaron Sweeney (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 28. NOAA SWPC / NASA CCMC Space Weather Modeling Assessment Project: Toward the Validation of Advancements in Heliospheric Space Weather Prediction Within WSA-Enlil
Eric Adamson (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC)

EOMF 29. Inhomogeneous Mixing in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Effects on the Production of Precipitation Embryos
Fabian Hoffmann (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Takanobu Yamaguchi (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Graham Feingold (NOAA/CSD)

Nicolas Arcos (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Paula Dunbar (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Laura Kong (NOAA/NWS), Kelly Stroker (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 31. Quantitative model-data comparisons of lake level change in western North America since the Last Glacial Maximum
Carrie Morrill (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF 32. Using Remote Sensing Instrumentation for Model Improvements in The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project
Katherine McCaffrey (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), James Wilczak (NOAA/PSD), Laura Bianco (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Irina Djalalova (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Joseph Olson (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Jaymes Kenyon (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Robert Banta (NOAA/CSD), Aditya Choukulkar (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Timothy Bonin (CIRES,NOAA/CSD), Yelena Pichugina (CIRES,NOAA/CSD)

EOMF 33. Observations of 2017 Solar Particle Events from Particle Detectors On-Board NOAA’s Newest Space Weather Monitor
B. T. Kress (CIRES), J. V. Rodriguez (CIRES), A. Boudouridis (CIRES), B. Dichter (Assurance Technology Corporation, Carlisle, MA)

EOMF 34. Improvements to the Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA)
Craig Hartsough (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Teresa Ladwig (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Guoging Ge (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Ming Hu (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Stephen Weygandt (NOAA/GSD), Curtis Alexander (NOAA/GSD)

EOMF 35. Cloud-based calculators for fast and reliable access to NOAA’s geomagnetic field models
Adam Woods (CIRES), Manoj Nair (CIRES), Nir Boneh (CIRES), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES)

Solid Earth Sciences Division

SES 1. Initial review of magnetic features of the lithosphere as revealed in new global magnetic potential and pseudogravity grids
Rick Saltus (CIRES), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES)

SES 2. InSAR Time-Series Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Weld County, Colorado
Magali Barba (CIRES), Kristy F. Tiampo (CIRES)

SES 3. Main field and secular variation modeling with Defense Meteorological Satellite Program magnetic measurements
P. Alken (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), N. Olsen (DTU Space), C. C. Finlay (DTU Space), A. Chulliat (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

SES 4. CIRES Science and Roles in the NASA Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission and ABoVE 2017 Field Campaign
J. Toby Minear (CIRES)

SES 5. Filling in the Hazard Gaps: a machine learning approach to estimating geo-electric hazard in the southwest United States
Danny Feucht (CIRES), Anne Sheehan (CIRES), Christopher Balch (NOAA/SWPC)

Weather and Climate Dynamics Division

WCD 1. The Air-Deployable Micro Buoy (ADMB) V2
Gijs de Boer (CIRES), Scott Palo (University of Colorado), Dale Lawrence (University of Colorado), Dave Costa (CIRES), Paul Johnston (CIRES), Jesse Leach (NOAA/PSD), Thomas Ayers (NOAA/PSD), Hj Jayakrishnan (University of Colorado), Jackson Osborn (CIRES), Adam Nuhaily (University of Colorado), Chris Fairall (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 2. Evolution of the global coupled climate response to Arctic sea ice loss during 1990-2090 and its contribution to climate change
Lantao Sun (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Michael Alexander (NOAA/PSD), Clara Deser (NCAR/UCAR)

WCD 3. Investigating the impact of anthropogenic pollution on cloud properties derived from ground based remote sensors at the North Slope of Alaska
Maximilian Maahn (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Claudia Acquistapace (U Cologne), Gijs de Boer (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Christopher Cox (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Graham Feingold (NOAA/CSD), Tobias Marke (U Cologne), Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Christine Wiedinmyer (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), Christopher Williams (CU Boulder)

WCD 4. The Nature of the Stochastic Wind Forcing of ENSO
Antonietta Capotondi (CIRES), Prashant D. Sardeshmukh (CIRES)

WCD 5. Making forecasts better - community infrastructure for facilitating improvement and testing of physical parameterizations
Dom Heinzeller (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Ligia Bernardet (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Grant Firl (NCAR, DTC), Laurie Carson (NCAR, DTC), Christopher Harrop (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Pedro Jimenez (NCAR), Gerard Ketefian (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Julie Schramm (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Don Stark (NCAR, DTC), Lulin Xue (NCAR, DTC), Man Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Dave Gill (NCAR, DTC)

WCD 6. Assimilation of satellite AOD retrievals to improve aerosol forecasts with FV3-GOCART
Mariusz Pagowski et al. (CIRES)

WCD 7. Scientific and Technical Documentation for Parameterizations in the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP)
Man Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, CO), Grant Firl (NCAR/UCAR,Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, CO), Ligia Bernardet (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, CO), Valbona Kunkel (IMSG, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, College Park, MD)

WCD 8. Comparing Colorado River Droughts
Joseph Barsugli (CIRES), Martin Hoerling (NOAA/PSD), Jon Eischeid (CIRES), Klaus Wolter (CIRES), Ben Livneh (CIRES)

WCD 9. Evaluation of including the Grell-Freitas convective scheme into the FV3GFS Release v1
Haiqin Li (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Georg A. Grell (NOAA/GSD), Saulo R. Freitas (NASA)

WCD 10. Suitability of the Grell-Freitas Cumulus Scheme for Tropical Cyclone Simulations
Evan Kalina (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Mrinal Biswas (NCAR, DTC), Kathryn Newman (NCAR, DTC), Evelyn Grell (CIRES,NOAA/PSD,DTC), Georg Grell (NOAA/GSD), Joseph Cione (NOAA/PSD,NOAA/HRD), Kelly Ryan (CIMAS, NOAA/HRD), Bin Liu (NOAA/EMC, IMSG), Zhan Zhang (NOAA/EMC, IMSG), James Frimel (NOAA/GSD,CIRA, DTC), Laurie Carson (NCAR, DTC)

WCD 11. Real-Time Magnetic Cloud Driven Geomagnetic Storm Forecast Tool
Hazel. M. Bain (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), D. A. Biesecker (NOAA/SWPC), M. D. Cash (NOAA/SWPC), A. A. Reinard (), J. Chen ()

WCD 12. Simulating VORTEX-SE weather events with a scale-adaptive PBL scheme in the HRRR model at varying resolutions
Jason M English (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), David D Turner (NOAA/GSD), Joseph B Olson (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Jaymes S Kenyon (CIRES,NOAA/GSD)

WCD 13. Development of Prototype National Water Model Soil Moisture Products for Drought Monitoring
Mimi Hughes (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Robert Zamora (NOAA/PSD), Darren Jackson (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Mike Hobbins (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Robert Cifelli (NOAA/PSD), Robert Webb (NOAA/PSD), David DeWitt (NOAA/CPC), Peter Colohan (NOAA/OWP)

WCD 14. The Critical Effect of Climate Change on Atmospheric Circulation Responsible for Extreme Northeast Colorado Rains During September 2013
Xiao-Wei Quan (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Martin Hoerling (NOAA/PSD), Linyin Cheng (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Judith Perlwitz (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Klaus Wolter (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Jon Eischeid (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Henry Diaz (University of Hawaii ), Randall Dole (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 15. Reanalyses.org: Advancing user and producer needs for reanalysis with services and tools
Catherine Smith (CIRES), Gilbert Compo (CIRES), Don Hooper (CIRES)

WCD 16. Sensitivity of HWRF Simulations to Parameter Variations in the Grell-Freitas Convection Scheme
Evelyn D. Grell (CIRES,NOAA/PSD,DTC), Mrinal Biswas (NCAR/UCAR,DTC), Georg A. Grell (NOAA/GSD), Evan Kalina (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Kathryn Newman (NCAR/UCAR,DTC), Ligia Bernardet (CIRES,NOAA/GSD,DTC), Laurie Carson (NCAR/UCAR,DTC), James Frimel (NOAA/GSD,DTC, CIRA)

WCD 17. Aerosol Impact on Seasonal Forecasting with a coupled FIM-Chem-iHYCOM Model
Shan Sun (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Li Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Georg Grell (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 18. Developing the MYNN-Eddy Diffusivity/Mass-Flux PBL Scheme to Improve Non-Local Mixing Across the Greyzone

WCD 19. Influence of Climate Variability on US Regional Assault Rates
Ryan D. Harp (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)), Kristopher B. Karnauskas (CIRES,Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC))

WCD 20. The influence of North Atlantic Ocean circulation on Northern Hemisphere surface warming trends
Elizabeth Maroon (CIRES), Jennifer Kay (CIRES), Kristopher Karnauskas (CIRES)

WCD 21. Machine Learning: Defining Worldwide Cyclone Labels for Training
Christina Bonfanti (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Yu-Ju Lee (CIRES,University of Colorado), Jeeb Stewart (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Lidia Trailovic (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Mark Govett (NOAA/ESRL,NOAA/GSD)

WCD 22. Effects of Storm Characteristics on Multisensor QPE in the Russian River Basin
Janice Bytheway (CIRES), Mimi Hughes (CIRES), Robert Cifelli (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 23. Constraining atmospheric teleconnections of Pliocene El Niño in the Southeastern United States
Jody Wycech (CIRES), Kris Karnauskas (CIRES), Balaji Rajagopalan (CIRES), Tom Marchitto (INSTAAR), Peter Molnar (CIRES)

WCD 24. The Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project Observational Simulator Package (COSP) Version 2
Dustin Swales (CIRES)

WCD 25. Comparing type-A and type-C variable distribution schemes over the icosahedral geodesic grid for shallow water model
Yonggang G. Yu (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Ning Wang (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Mark W. Govett (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 26. The longitudinal evolution of equatorial solar coronal holes
Larisza Diana Krista (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Scott McIntosh ()

WCD 27. Developing verification metrics and diagnostics for tropical convection
Maria Gehne (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Juliana Dias (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), George Kiladis (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 28. Comprehensive Arctiic system research at MOSAiC
Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/ESRL), MOSAiC consortium (Many)

WCD 29. Initial Validation of CTIPe Neutral Winds using GOCE Satellite Observations
M. Fedrizzi (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), E. Doornbos (Faculty of Aerospace Engineering/Delft University of Technology), T.J. Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), M. Codrescu (NOAA/SWPC), V. Yudin (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC)

WCD 30. Diagnosing the Sources of Operational Forecast Model Errors in Tropical-Extratropical Interactions
Juliana Dias (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Maria Gehne (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), George Kiladis (NOAA/PSD)

WCD 31. Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus
Amy Solomon (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Gijs de Boer (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Jessie Creamean (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Allison McComiskey (NOAA/GSD), Matt Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 32. The role of the atmospheric circulation in seasonal melt of the Pacific Arctic cryosphere
Christopher J. Cox (NOAA/PSD), Robert S. Stone (STC), Diane Stanitski (NOAA/ESRL), David C. Douglas (USGS )

WCD 33. On Averaging Timescales for the Surface Energy Budget Closure Problem
Andrey A. Grachev (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Christopher W. Fairall (NOAA/PSD), Byron W. Blomquist (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Harindra J. S. Fernando (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA), Laura S. Leo (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA), (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA), James M. Wilczak (NOAA/PSD), Katherine L. McCaffrey (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WCD 34. Slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Anthropogenic or Natural Variability?
Joseph Pucciarelli (CU ATOC Department), Pooja Sheevam (CU ATOC Department), Elizabeth Maroon (CIRES), Kristopher Karnauskas (CIRES,CU ATOC Department)

WCD 35. Sedimentation and runoff in the Colorado Front Range: Diagnosing fire-related changes
Aaron Heldmyer (CIRES,University of Colorado Boulder), Ben Livneh (University of Colorado Boulder), Stephanie Kamf (Colorado State University)

WCD 36. SOS Explorer - Experience Science in Virtual Reality
Jonathan Joyce (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Hilary Peddicord (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Beth Russell (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), Eric Hackathorn (NOAA/GSD), Jeff Smith (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), Jebb Stewart (NOAA/GSD,CIRA), John Schneider (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 37. Fostering Community Involvement in the Advancement of Physical Parametrizations for the NCEP the NCEP Unified Forecast System
Ligia Bernardet (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), G. Firl (NCAR/UCAR), D. Heinzeller (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), L. Carson (NCAR/UCAR), M. Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSD), M. Harrold (NCAR/UCAR), J. Henderson (NOAA/GSD), J. Wolff (NCAR/UCAR), L. Xue (NCAR/UCAR), J. Dudhia (NCAR/UCAR), D. Stark (NCAR/UCAR), L. Nance (NCAR/UCAR), G. Grell (NOAA/GSD)

WCD 38. Isolating stratospheric versus tropical diabatic heating based sources of subseasonal predictive skill

Western Water Assessment

WWA 1. Stakeholder Engagement and Applications for the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)
Heather M. Yocum (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Imtiaz Rangwala (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WWA 2. Dynamics of Vulnerability with Drought
Jen Henderson (CIRES), Lisa Dilling (CIRES), Rebecca Morss (NCAR/UCAR), Olga Wilhelmi (NCAR/UCAR), Ursula Rick (CIRES)

WWA 3. Landscape Evaporative Response Index (LERI): A high resolution monitoring of deviations in actual evapotranspiration across the Conterminous United States
Imtiaz Rangwala (CIRES,NOAA/PSD,Western Water Assessment), Joseph Barsugli (CIRES,NOAA/PSD,Western Water Assessment), Lesley L. Smith (CIRES,NOAA/PSD), Gabriel Senay (USGS), Candida Dewes (CIRES,NOAA/PSD,Western Water Assessment), Mike Hobbins (CIRES,NOAA/PSD)

WWA 4. Sustained Climate Assessment in the US Southwest
Benét Duncan (CIRES), Ursula Rick (CIRES), Lisa Dilling (CIRES)

WWA 5. Applied climate research in Utah: working with stakeholders to develop usable science
Seth Arens (CIRES,Western Water Assessment)