Division Posters

$url = "https://insidecires.colorado.edu/rendezvous/acceptedPosters.php?function=getDivisions";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
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$division_array = json_decode($output,true);

echo '<ul>';
foreach($division_array as $key=>$value)
echo '<li><a style="text-decoration:none;font-size:14px;" href="#' . $value["DivisionShortName"] . '">' . $value["DivisionLongName"] . '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';

Poster Titles/ Authors and Abstracts

To view each poster's abstract, please click on the poster title. You can also navigate to a specific division's posters by using the Division Posters menu on the right.


ADM-01. Attracting Students into Science: Mentor for a Summer Student Research Program for Community College Students - View Poster
Alicia Christensen (CIRES), Christine Okochi (CIRES), Rebecca Batchelor (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES)

ADM-02. Global SustainABILITY Scholars Program: research and mentoring experiences for early career scientists from undergraduate to graduate. - View Poster
Kirsten Rowell (CIRES,RIO), Martha Walker (CIRES,GSS)

ADM-04. CIRES Admin Team - View Poster
Kathleen Bogan (CIRES), Kathleen Human, Brigitta Rongstad Strong, Lornay Hansen, Nathan Campbell, Ted DeMaria, Annie Fudale, Angela Knight (CIRES)

ADM-05. Data Puzzles - Analyzing authentic data with inquiry-based instructional practices - View Poster
Jonathan Griffith (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Ami Nacu-Schmidt (CIRES), Alyssa Lazoen (CIRES), Daniela Pennycook (CIRES), Casey Marsh (CIRES), Melissa Braaten (Education)

ADM-06. CIRES Strategic Plan - View Poster
Christine Wiedinmyer (CIRES), Margaret Tolbert (CIRES)

ADM-07. What’s Happening in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at CIRES? - View Poster
Additional Resources
Susan Sullivan (CIRES), Rebecca Batchelor (CIRES), Kirsten Rowell (CIRES), Mistia Zuckerman (NSIDC), James Rattling Leaf (CIRES)

Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division

CPP-01. Continuous Improvements to Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures (CETBs) for Near Real-Time Cryospheric Applications - View Poster
Molly Hardman (CIRES,NSIDC), Mary J. Brodzik (CIRES,NSIDC), David G Long (Brigham Young University), Julie Z Miller (CIRES), Joan M Ramage (Lehigh University), Walt Meier (CIRES,NSIDC), Scott Stewart (NSIDC)

CPP-02. SeaIceRT: a python interface for a Delta-Eddington radiative transfer model
Andrew P. Barrett (NSIDC), Bonnie Light (APL University of Washington), Julienne Stroeve (NSIDC,University of Manitoba), Donald Perovich (Dartmouth College)

CPP-03. An Overview of the Vertical Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Central Arctic during MOSAiC - View Poster
Gina Jozef (CIRES,NSIDC,ATOC), John Cassano (CIRES,NSIDC,ATOC), Sandro Dahlke (AWI), Mckenzie Dice (CIRES,NSIDC,ATOC), Christopher Cox (NOAA/PSL), Gijs de Boer (CIRES,NOAA/PSL,IRISS)

CPP-04. Supporting Science and Education via QGreenland - View Poster
Additional Resources
Twila Moon (CIRES,NSIDC), Matt Fisher (CIRES,NSIDC), Trey Stafford (CIRES,NSIDC), Alyse Thurber (CIRES)

CPP-05. Observed and modeled surface meltwater-induced flexure and fracture on north George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica - View Poster
Alison Banwell (CIRES)

CPP-06. Analog data of Jakobshavn Isbrӕ: its use improving historical SfM photogrammetric processing - View Poster
Sarah F. Child (CIRES), Leigh A. Stearns (Department of Geology, University of Kansas; Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets), Dominique Garcia (Community College of Denver; CIRES Research Experience for Community College Students)

CPP-07. Navigating the New Arctic Community Office - View Poster
Jenna Vater (CIRES,NSIDC), Matthew Druckenmiller (CIRES,NSIDC), Anne Gold (CIRES), Noor Johnson (CIRES,NSIDC), Twila Moon (CIRES,NSIDC), Andrew Barrett (CIRES,NSIDC), Alyse Thurber (CIRES)

CPP-08. Enhancing the Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record - View Poster
Ann Windnagel (NSIDC), Trey Stafford (NSIDC), Scott Stewart (NSIDC), Florence Fetterer (NSIDC), Walt Meier (NSIDC)

CPP-09. NASA DAAC at NSIDC: Adoption of commercial cloud for Earth science data management and data access - View Poster
Amanda Leon (NSIDC), Kate Heightley (NSIDC), Chris Bond (NSIDC), Daniel Crumly (NSIDC), Lisa Booker (NSIDC), Shannon Leslie (NSIDC), Leslie Goldman (NSIDC), Amy Steiker (NSIDC), Jonathan Kovarik (NSIDC), Matt Savoie (NSIDC)

Ecosystem Science Division

ES-01. Conifer seedling detection in a postfire conifer forest using drone data and machine learning - View Poster
Nayani T. Ilangakoon (CIRES), Tyler L. McIntosh (CIRES), Jennifer K. Balch (CIRES)

ES-02. Determining the Fate of Redox-Active Organic Matter in Northern Peatlands Under Global Climate Change - View Poster
Jessica E. Rush (CIRES,EBIO), Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley (CIRES,EBIO)

ES-03. Potential for soil contamination from fire at the wildland-urban interface: a case study of the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado
Clifford Adamchak (CIRES), Sierra Jech (CIRES), Eve-Lyn Hinckley (CIRES), Noah Fierer (CIRES), Sean C. Stokes (), Marin Wiltse (), Jessica Callen (), Jacob VanderRoest (), Eugene Kelly (), Thomas Borch ()

ES-04. Mercury Methylation in Alpine and Subalpine Wetlands of the Colorado Rocky Mountains: Ecosystem Fate and Climate Change Implications - View Poster
Hannah R. Miller (CIRES), Clifford R. Adamchak (CIRES), Charles T. Driscoll (), Sarah E. Janssen (), Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley (CIRES)

ES-05. The Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab (ESIIL): a next-generation NSF data synthesis center - View Poster
Additional Resources
Jennifer K. Balch (CIRES,ESIIL), R. Chelsea Nagy (CIRES,ESIIL), Cibele Hummel do Amaral (CIRES,ESIIL), Elsa Culler (CIRES,ESIIL), Anne Gold (CIRES,ESIIL), Virginia Iglesias (CIRES,ESIIL), Claire Monteleoni (COMP SCI/ESIIL), John Parker (University of Oslo/ESIIL), James Rattling Leaf Sr. (CIRES,ESIIL), Jim Sanovia (CIRES,ESIIL/AIHEC), E. Natasha Stavros (Ball Aerospace), Susan Sullivan (CIRES,ESIIL), Tyson Swetnam (CyVerse/ESIIL), Ty Tuff (CIRES,ESIIL), Nate Quarderer (CIRES,ESIIL)

ES-06. The Changing Sulfur Cycle: Effects and consequences of human-impacted sulfur cycling - View Poster
Laura Rea (CIRES)

ES-07. Climate Impacts, Stakeholder Needs, and Adaptation in Northern Great Plains Grassland Ecosystems - View Poster
Heather Yocum (CIRES), Christine Miller Hesed (CIRES), Imtiaz Rangwala (CIRES)

ES-08. Microplastics in Mountain Ecosystems of the Colorado Front Range - View Poster
Douglas Castro (CIRES)

ES-09. Intersecting fire, insect, and drought disturbance and the fate of western US forests in a changing climate - View Poster
Tyler L. McIntosh (CIRES,Earth Lab), Michael J. Koontz (CIRES,Earth Lab), Nathan Korinek (CIRES,CU Boulder Geography & Earth Lab), Ty Tuff (CIRES,Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab), Megan E. Cattau (Boise State University, Human-Environment Systems), Carol A. Wessman (CIRES), Jennifer K. Balch (CIRES,Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab, Earth Lab, CU Boulder Geography Department)

ES-10. The NC CASC: Generating the Science to Help Resource Managers Adapt to a Changing World - View Poster
Ulyana Horodyskyj Pena (CIRES,NC CASC), Hailey Robe (CIRES,NC CASC), Jane Wolken (CIRES,NC CASC), William Travis (CIRES,NC CASC), Imtiaz Rangwala (CIRES,NC CASC), Christy Miller Hesed (CIRES,NC CASC), Heather Yocum (CIRES,NC CASC)

ES-11. Examining the Effects of Rising Air Temperature on Nitrogen Cycling and Trace Gas Emissions in the Alpine - View Poster
Zachary Schwartz (CIRES)

Education Outreach Program

ADM-08. An exploration of opportunities to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace, specifically in NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory. What is WEI? - View Poster
Ken Aikin (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Matt Coggon (NOAA/CSL), Audrey Gaudel (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Brandi McCarty (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Scott Sandberg (NOAA/CSL), Carrie Womack (CIRES,NOAA/CSL)

EO-01. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) - View Poster
Additional Resources
Kathryn Boyd (CIRES), Gina Fiorile (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Frank Niepold (NOAA/Climate Program Office), Alicia Christensen (CIRES), Naomi Ochwat (CIRES), Monica Bruckner (SERC), Sean Fox (SERC), Patrick Chandler (CIRES), Casey Marsh (CIRES), Daniela Pennycook (CIRES), Ami Nacu-Schmidt (CIRES)

EO-02. Human Rights and Climate Change in K-12 Classrooms: Edcuational Resources Developed for the RHRN Global Climate Summit - View Poster
Patrick Chandler (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Jonas Smead (Stober Elementary School), Elizabeth Gordon (Stober Elementary School), Caley Gallison (Horizons K-8 School), Peter Szameitat (Fairview High School), Martha Alvarez (Palmer High School), Cooper Anstett (CU Teach program), Collette Heskett (CU Teach program), Kristen Mcdermott (Centaurus High School)

EO-03. We are Water: Connecting Communities - View Poster
Brigitta Rongstad Strong (CIRES), Anne Gold (CIRES), Annamarie Schaecher (CIRES), Megan Littrell (CIRES), Christine Okochi (CIRES), Katie Boyd (CIRES), Ami Nacu-Schmidt (CIRES), Casey Marsh (CIRES), Ethan Knight (CIRES), Benet Duncan (CIRES)

EO-04. A year of PSECCO Supporting Early Career Scientists to Advance Equity and Inclusion in the Polar Sciences - View Poster
Mariama C. Dryak-Vallies (CIRES), Rebecca Batchelor (CIRES), Bradley Markle (INSTAAR), Anne Gold (CIRES), Twila Moon (NSIDC), Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Christine Wiedinmyer (CIRES), Nicole Lovenduski (ATOC, INSTAAR), Natasha Haycock-Chavez (CIRES)

EO-05. Using Art to Build Insights about Geospatial Visualizations for Data Literacy - View Poster
Hilary Peddicord (CIRES), Kathryn Semmens, PI (Nurture Nature Center), Jessica Sickler (J. Sickler Consulting), Randy Kochever (Education Development Council Oceans of Data Institute), Amy Busey (Education Development Council Oceans of Data Institute), Keri Maxfield (Nurture Nature Center), Rachel Hogan Carr (Nurture Nature Center)

EO-06. Inclusive Earth Data Science enabled by open cloud computing - View Poster
Ty Tuff (CIRES), Tyson Lee Swetnam (CyVerse), Cibele Amaral (CIRES), Erick Verleye (CIRES), Edwin Skidmore (CIRES), Nathan Quarderer (CIRES), Tyler L. McIntosh (CIRES), James Sanovia (CIRES), R. Chelsea Nagy (CIRES), Jennifer Balch (CIRES)

EO-07. How the CIRES Education & Outreach Program can Support you and Broaden the Impact of your Science - View Poster
Anne Gold (CIRES), Rebecca Batchelor (CIRES), Kathryn Boyd (CIRES), Patrick Chandler (CIRES), Alicia Christensen (CIRES), Mariama Dryák-Vallies (CIRES), Gina Fiorile-Desranleau (CIRES), Alexander Kist (CIRES), Megan Littrell (CIRES), Casey Marsh (CIRES), Lianna Nixon (CIRES), Ami Nacu-Schmidt (CIRES), Christine Okochi (CIRES), Hilary Peddicord (CIRES), Daniela Pennycook (CIRES), Brigitta Rongstad (CIRES), Annamarie Schaecher (), Katya Schloesser (), Beth Russell (), Alyse Thurber (), Emily Ward (), Chelsea Zaniboni ()

EO-08. Applications of virtual and augmented reality (VR) learning as education tools - View Poster
Anne Gold (CIRES), Jonathan Griffith (CIRES), Kira Harris (CIRES), Daniela Pennycook (CIRES), Alyssa Lazoen (CIRES), Katya Schloesser (CIRES)

EO-09. The Earth Data Science Corps & ESIIL Stars Programs: Models for Teaching and Learning Environmental Data Science Skills - View Poster
Nathan Quarderer (CIRES,Earth Lab; ESIIL), Jennifer Balch (CIRES,ESIIL), Chelsea Nagy (CIRES,Earth Lab; ESIIL), Elsa Culler (CIRES,Earth Lab; ESIIL), Anne Gold (CIRES), Nathan Korinek (CIRES,Earth Lab), Katherine Halama (CIRES,Earth Lab), Lauren Herwehe (NSIDC), Jim Sanovia (ESIIL), Jason Tinant (Oglala Lakota College), Emily Biggane (United Tribes Technical College), Jessica Logan (United Tribes Technical College), David Parr (Metropolitan State University of Denver), Sylvia Brady (Metropolitan State University of Denver), Willam Travis (CIRES,Earth Lab; NCCASC), Leah Wasser (PyOpenSci)

Environmental Chemistry Division

EC-01. Systematic Changes in Shallow Cumulus Cloud Field Evolution due to Shortwave 3D Radiative Responses - View Poster
Additional Resources
Jake J. Gristey (CIRES,NOAA/CSL,LASP), C. Kevin Yang (Colorado State University), J. Christine Chiu (Colorado State University), Graham Feingold (NOAA/CSL)

EC-02. Sulfate and carbonyl sulfide production from aqueous processing of dimethyl sulfide oxidation products - View Poster
Christopher Jernigan (CIRES), Matt Rivard (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Max Berkelhammer (University of Illinois - Chicago), Timothy Bertram (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

EC-03. Metal Oxide Particles as Atmospheric Nuclei: Exploring the Role of Metal Speciation in Heterogeneous Efflorescence and Ice Nucleation - View Poster
Zachary R. Schiffman (CIRES), Marium S. Fernanders (CIRES), Ryan D. Davis (Sandia National Laboratories), Margaret A. Tolbert (CIRES)

EC-04. Chemical and Meteorological Controls on New Particle Formation in the Southern Great Plains - View Poster
Bri Dobson (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Harald Stark (CIRES,Aerodyne Research, Inc.; Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Daniel J. Katz (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Jordan Krechmer (Aerodyne Research, Inc.), Chongai Kuang (Brookhaven National Lab), Manjula R. Canagaratna (Aerodyne Research, Inc.), Douglas R. Worsnop (Aerodyne Research, Inc.; Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Physics, University of Helsinki), Eleanor C. Browne (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder)

EC-05. Wildfire Observations by Airborne and Truck-based Mobile Doppler Lidars during the California Fire Dynamics Experiment (CalFiDE) - View Poster
Brian Carroll (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), W. Alan Brewer (NOAA/CSL), Edward Strobach (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Maxwell W. Holloway (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Miguel Valero (San Jose State University), Neil Lareau (University of Nevada Reno)

EC-06. Halogen-containing compounds in the Lower Stratosphere during the North American Summer Monsoon Season - View Poster
Eric Hintsa (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Fred Moore (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Geoff Dutton (CIRES,NOAA/GML), David Nance (CIRES,NOAA/GML), James Elkins (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Brad Hall (NOAA/GML), Kate Smith (University of Miami), Stephen Donnelly (University of Miami), Sue Schauffler (NCAR/UCAR), Victoria Treadaway (NCAR/UCAR), Elliot Atlas (University of Miami), Paul Bui (NASA), David Wilmouth (Harvard University), Jessica Smith (Harvard University)

EC-07. Challenges of estimating tropical tropospheric ozone trends
Audrey Gaudel (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Meng Li (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Kai-Lan Chang (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Owen Cooper (CIRES,NOAA/CSL)

EC-08. Reduction of Iodate in aqueous organic and inorganic aerosol particle proxies - View Poster
Margarita Reza (CIRES,Department of Chemistry- University of Colorado Boulder), Lucia Iezzi (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland,Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich ,Switzerland), Henning Finkenzeller (CIRES,Department of Chemistry- University of Colorado Boulder), Antoine Roose (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Markus Ammann (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,Department of Chemistry- University of Colorado Boulder)

EC-09. Characterizing Influence of PTFE-coated Neoprene Diaphragm Material for Sampling Pumps on Trace Gas Measurements - View Poster
Kyle Petersen (NOAA/GML), Scott Clingan (NOAA/GML), Isaac Vimont (NOAA/GML), Stephen Montzka (NOAA/GML), Bradley Hall (NOAA/GML)

EC-10. Gobal-scale size-resolved measurements of sea salt aerosol organic content - View Poster
Michael Lawler (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Gregory Schill (NOAA/CSL), Daniel Murphy (NOAA/CSL)

EC-11. Coastal Urban Plume Dynamics Study (CUPiDS)
Sunil Baidar (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Maxwell Holloway (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Alan Brewer (NOAA/CSL), Steve Brown (NOAA/CSL), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES)

EC-12. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project - View Poster
Langley DeWitt (CIRES)

EC-13. Ab Initio calculations of the Hg-I bond strength and its atmospheric relevance
Romulo Cruz-Simbron (Chemistry), Xubo Wang (Chemistry), Christopher F. Lee (CIRES,Chemistry), Sandeep Sharma (Chemistry), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,Chemistry)

EC-14. Quantification of anthropogenic and pyrogenic particulate bromine by Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) - View Poster
Dongwook Kim (CIRES,CU Boulder), Pedro Campuzano-Jost (CIRES,CU Boulder), Hongyu Guo (CIRES,CU Boulder), Benjamin Nault (CIRES,CU Boulder), Douglas Day (CIRES,CU Boulder), Mindy Schueneman (CIRES,CU Boulder), Jason Schroder (CIRES,CU Boulder), Joshua DiGangi (NASA), Sally Pusede (NASA,University of Virginia), Glenn Diskin (NASA), Donald Blake (University of California at Irvine), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,CU Boulder), Jose L. Jimenez (CIRES,CU Boulder)

EC-15. CU MAX-DOAS Observations of Halogen Emissions at The Great Salt Lake - View Poster
Catherine Silver (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Christopher F. Lee (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Nancy Daher (Utah Division of Air Quality), Lucas Bohne (Utah Division of Air Quality), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder)

EC-16. Detection of IO radicals over the continental U.S.: Implications for gaseous mercury oxidation from the troposphere into the stratosphere - View Poster
Christopher F. Lee (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder), Margarita Reza (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO), Kyle Zarzana (Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO), Tyler Elgiar (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, UT), Liji David (Bingham Research Center, Utah State University, Vernal, UT), Seth Lyman (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, UT), Lynne Gratz (Environmental Program, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, UT), Noah Hirshorn (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT), Ian McCubbin (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT), Gannet Hallar (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT), Alessandro Franchin (NCAR/UCAR), Teresa Campos (NCAR/UCAR), Florian Obersteiner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany), Andreas Zahn (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany), Cory Wolff (NCAR/UCAR), Rainer Volkamer (CIRES,Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder)

Environmental Observations, Modeling and Forecasting Division

EOMF-01. Digitalizing Atmospheric Systems - View Poster

EOMF-02. Capabilities of NOAA's global chemical forecast systems: GEFS-Aerosols, UFS-Aerosols, and UFS-Chem - View Poster
Li (Kate) Zhang (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Georg A. Grell (NOAA/GSL), Partha S. Bhattacharjee (SAIC/Lynker at NOAA/EMC), Barry Baker (NOAA/ARL), Raffaele Montuoro (NOAA/EMC), Li Pan (SAIC/Lynker at NOAA/EMC), Shan Sun (NOAA/GSL), Judy Henderson (NOAA/GSL), Jordan Schnell (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jian He (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Rebecca Schwantes (NOAA/CSL), Siyuan Wang (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Gregory J. Frost (NOAA/CSL), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Ligia Bernardet (NOAA/GSL), Brian McDonald (NOAA/CSL)

EOMF-03. CarbonTracker-CH4 (v2023): An atmospheric assimilation system for estimating methane emissions consistent with atmospheric measurements of methane and its stable carbon isotopes - View Poster
Youmi Oh (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Lori Bruhwiler (NOAA/GML), Xin Lan (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Sourish Basu (NASA), Ed Dlugokencky (NOAA/GML), Sylvia Michel (University of Colorado Boulder)

EOMF-04. Impacts of different physics suites on Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) performances - View Poster
Linlin Pan (CIRES,NOAA/GSL,DTC), Kathryn Newman (NCAR/UCAR,DTC), Mrinal Biswas (NCAR/UCAR,DTC), Brianne Nelson (NCAR/UCAR,DTC)

EOMF-05. robspack, a fast R package to read, process and plot NOAA/GML ObsPack - View Poster
Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Lei Hu (NOAA/GML)

EOMF-06. Deriving PBL properties with aircraft data and comparing to the HRRR model - View Poster
Jason M. English (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), David D. Turner (NOAA/GSL), Molly B. Smith (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Daniel R. Adriaansen (NCAR/UCAR)

EOMF-07. End-to-end Framework for Future Inundation Scenarios of Coastal Cities with High Resolution Digital Surface Models - View Poster
Eduard R. Heijkoop (CIRES,CCAR), Michael J. Willis (CIRES,Virginia Tech), R. Steven Nerem (CIRES,CCAR), Kristy F. Tiampo (CIRES)

EOMF-08. A novel, cost-effective analytical method for measuring high-resolution vertical profiles of stratospheric trace gases using a GC-ECD - View Poster
Jianghanyang Li (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Bianca Baier (NOAA/GML), Fred Moore (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Tim Newberger (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Sonja Wolter (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Jack Higgs (NOAA/GML), Geoff Dutton (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Eric Hinsta (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Bradley Hall (NOAA/GML), Colm Sweeney (NOAA/GML)

EOMF-09. Understanding Future Regional Sea Level Change Using Observation-Driven Extrapolations - View Poster
Ashley Bellas (CIRES), R. Steven Nerem (CIRES)

EOMF-10. Continuously Updated Digital Elevation Models (CUDEMs) supporting coastal inundation modeling programs - Current Status and Future Plans - View Poster
Kelly Carignan (CIRES), Kelly Stroker (NOAA/NCEI), Christopher Amante (CIRES), Matthew Love (CIRES), Michael MacFerrin (CIRES), Elliot Lim (CIRES), Nic Arcos (NOAA/NCEI)

EOMF-11. PyFDEO - a new Python tool for Fire Danger prediction from Earth Observations - View Poster
Cibele Amaral (CIRES), Luke Fanguna (California Polytechnic State University), Erick Verleye (CIRES), Natasha Stavros (CIRES), William M. Jolly (USDA), Alireza Farahmand (NASA)

EOMF-12. Stratospheric Ozone Vertical Distribution at Select NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory Dobson Monitoring Stations and Updated Trends of the Based on the LOTUS Regression Model - View Poster
Irina Petropavlovskikh (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Peter Effertz (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Jeannette Wild (UMD/ESSIC and NOAA/NESDIS), Koji Miyagawa (NOAA/GML), Glen McConville (CIRES,NOAA/GML)

EOMF-13. A Positive-Definite Solution for an EDMF PBL Scheme that Includes a Moist Adjustment Process - View Poster
Evelyn Grell (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Jian-Wen Bao (NOAA/PSL), Sara Michelson (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Song-You Hong (CIRES,NOAA/PSL)

EOMF-14. Using Observed Carbon Residence Times to Improve Simulation of Total CO2 and 13CO2 Land Carbon Fluxes - View Poster
Aleya Kaushik (CIRES,NOAA/GML), John Miller (NOAA/GML)

EOMF-15. Improvements in RUC Snow Model for Implementation in Rapid Refresh FV3 Standalone (RRFS) operational model - View Poster
Tatiana G. Smirnova (CIRES), Anton Kliewer (CIRA), Siwei He (CIRES), Stan Benjamin (CIRES)

EOMF-16. Annual Variations of Pre-Dawn Thermosphere-Ionosphere Na (TINa) Layers Observed by Lidar over Boulder and their Relationship to Sunrise and Tidal Winds Revealed by CTMT and ICON - View Poster
Yingfei Chen (CIRES), Xinzhao Chu (CIRES), Chihoko Cullens (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP))

EOMF-17. What does the Variability of Earth's highest clouds tell us? - View Poster
Arunima Prakash (CIRES,Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder ), Xinzhao Chu (CIRES,Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder), V. Lynn Harvey (LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder), Cora E. Randall (LASP and ATOC, University of Colorado, Boulder), Ian Geraghty (CIRES,Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder), Mattia Astarita (CIRES), Jackson Jandreau (CIRES,Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder)

EOMF-18. Evaluation of the hyperspectral radiometer (HSR1) at the ARM SGP site - View Poster
Kelly Balmes (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Laura Riihimaki (CIRES,NOAA/GML), John Wood (Peak Design Ltd), Connor Flynn (University of Oklahoma), Adam Theisen (Argonne National Laboratory), Michael Ritsche (Argonne National Laboratory)

EOMF-19. CrowdMag 2023 Update! - View Poster
Nir Boneh (CIRES), Aamna Sirohey (), Holly McCrory (), Belinda Trotta (), Rick Saltus (CIRES), Manoj Nair (CIRES)

EOMF-20. Evaluation of the Weimer Model for Predicting High-latitude Magnetic Variations

EOMF-21. Simulation of equatorial Ionospheric growth rate using WAM-IPE - View Poster
Chun-Yen Huang (CIRES), Tzu-Wei Fang (NOAA/SWPC), Arthur D. Richmond (NCAR/UCAR), Timothy J. Fuller-Rowell (CIRES)

EOMF-22. Data Assimilation of Thermosphere Neutral Densities in WAM - View Poster

EOMF-23. Projecting Long-Term Reservoir Evaporation on Catalina Island, California Using an Open Water Evaporation Model and Downscaled Global Climate Model Projections - View Poster
David Woodson (CIRES,Bureau of Reclamation), Subhrendu Gangopadhyay (Bureau of Reclamation), Kristin Mikkelson (Bureau of Reclamation)

EOMF-24. Forecasting hourly wildfire emissions using a modulated persistence approach based on the RRFS hourly wildfire potential index
Johana Romero (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Haiqin Li (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Eric James (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jordan Schnell (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), George Grell (NOAA/GSL)

EOMF-25. Analysis of the Performance of WAM-IPE model during November 2003 Super Geomagnetic Storm - View Poster
Dibyendu Sur (CIRES), Timothy Fuller-Rowell (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Tzu-Wei Fang (NOAA/SWPC), Mariangel Fedrizzi (NOAA/SWPC), Roderick A Heelis (University of Texas Dallas)

EOMF-26. Evidence of Multistep Vertical Coupling from 10 Years of Lidar Observations at McMurdo, Antarctica
Ian Geraghty (CIRES), Xinzhao Chu (CIRES)

EOMF-27. The evolution of aerosol and water vapor plumes from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haˈapai volcanic eruption - View Poster
Elizabeth Asher (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Michael Todt (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Karen Rosenlof (NOAA/CSL), Troy Thornberry (NOAA/CSL), RuShan Gao (NOAA/CSL), Ghassan Taha (NASA,Morgan State University, Baltimore, United States), Paul Walter (St. Edward’s University, Austin, United States), Sergio Alvarez (University of Houston, Houston, United States), James Flynn (University of Houston, Houston, United States), Sean Davis (NOAA/CSL), Stephanie Evan (Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy), UMR8105, CNRS, Université de La Réunion, Saint-Denis, France), Jerome Brioude (Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy), UMR8105, CNRS, Université de La Réunion, Saint-Denis, France), Emrys Hall (NOAA/GML), Patrick Cullis (NOAA/GML), Dale Hurst (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Gary Morris (NOAA/GML)

EOMF-28. A new inverse modeling tool for understanding plant drought stress using atmospheric 13C of CO2 measurements
Bharat Rastogi (CIRES,NOAA/GML), Caroline B Alden (LongPath Technologies), John B Miller (NOAA/GML)

Solid Earth Sciences Division

SES-01. ETOPO 2022: NOAA’s new seamless topography-and-bathymetry bare earth surface elevation dataset - View Poster
MacFerrin, Michael J (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Amante, Christopher (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Carignan, Kelly (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Love, Matthew (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Lim, Elliot (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Arcos, Nicolas (NOAA/NCEI), Stroker, Kelly (NOAA/NCEI)

SES-02. Modeling the local time asymmetry of the near-Earth magnetospheric field - View Poster
Martin Fillion (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Patrick Alken (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), M. Kruglyakov (Department of Physics, University of Otago, New Zealand), A. Kuvshinov (Institute of Geophysics, ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland)

SES-03. Periodic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary variations in the southwestern United States as evidence for oscillatory convection
William Shinevar (CIRES), Eva Golos (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

SES-04. Magnetic Maps and Models for Alternative Navigation - View Poster
Rick Saltus (CIRES), Annette Balmes (CIRES), Jordan Schweitzer (CIRES), Arnaud Chulliat (CIRES)

SES-05. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): Case Study at the US Department of Energy's FORGE Site
Simon Bantugan (CIRES), Manuel Mendoza (CIRES), Anne Sheehan (CIRES)

SES-06. Induced Seismicity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, and the use of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) in Seismic Monitoring
Fabiana Fuentes Arias (CIRES), Manuel M. Mendoza (CIRES), Anne F. Sheehan (CIRES), Shemin Ge (Geological Sciences )

SES-07. Testing microseismic Love wave generation mechanisms with amphibious seismic observations - View Poster
Shane Zhang (Department of Physics), Anne Sheehan (CIRES,Department of Geological Sciences), Michael Ritzwoller (Department of Physics)

Weather and Climate Dynamics Division

WCD-01. Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Energy Budgets of Shallow and Deep Convective Discharge-Recharge Cycles in the Tropics
Brandon Wolding (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-02. A Hybrid Prediction (Dynamical/Machine Learning) Approach for Probabilistic Seasonal Outlook for the Famine Early Warning Systems Network - View Poster
Additional Resources
Nachiketa Acharya (CIRES), Kyle Joseph Chen Hall (CIRES), Andrew Hoell (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-03. A Deep Learning Approach for Detection, Semantic jSegmentation and Density Classification of Smoke in Satellite Imagery
Rey Koki (CIRES,NOAA/GSL,CU Boulder), Jebb Q. Stewart (NOAA/GSL), Christina Kumler (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Michael McCabe (CU Boulder)

WCD-04. Information Hub for the NOAA Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative (CEFI) - View Poster
Additional Resources
Catherine Smith (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Chia-Wei Hsu (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Michael Alexander (NOAA/PSL), Chris Kreutzer (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-05. Validation of the UMASEP Solar Radiation Storm Model in the Space Weather Proving Ground - View Poster
Kimberly Moreland (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Hazel Bain (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Marlon Nunez (University of Malaga, Spain), Katie Whitman (NASA), Leila Mays (NASA), Chinwe Didigu (NASA)

WCD-06. Winter snow thermal conductivity and conductive fluxes in the Central Arctic - View Poster
Anne Sledd (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Amy Solomon (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Christopher Cox (NOAA/PSL), Donald Perovich (Dartmouth College), Ruibo Lei (Polar Research Institute of China)

WCD-07. Using a Linear Inverse Model to predict Ocean Biogeochemistry - View Poster
Antonietta Capotondi (CIRES), Nicole S. Lovenduski (Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research,University of Colorado, Boulder, CO)

WCD-08. Using Bayesian Methods to Detect Abrupt Transitions in Transient Holocene Climate Model Simulations - View Poster
Allison Lawman (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI), Carrie Morrill (NOAA/NCEI), Bette Otto-Bliesner (NCAR), Esther Brady (NCAR), Robert Tomas (NCAR)

WCD-09. Convectively Coupled Equatorial Wave skill in the Unified Forecast System - View Poster
Maria Gehne (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Brandon Wolding (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Juliana Dias (NOAA/PSL), George Kiladis (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-10. Initial development of GSL's interactive verification scorecard tool - View Poster
Molly B Smith (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Randy Pierce (NOAA/GSL,CIRA), Ian McGinnis (NOAA/GSL,CIRA), Gopakumar Padmanabhan (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jeff Hamilton (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Bonny Strong (NOAA/GSL,CIRA), Dave Turner (NOAA/GSL), Matt Wandishin (NOAA/GSL)

WCD-11. The Arctic Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Structure and Its Interactions with the Free Troposphere and Surface - View Poster
Ola Persson (CIRES), Ian Brooks (), Matthew Shupe (CIRES), Amy Solomon (CIRES)

WCD-13. Using a process-based analysis to optimize the orographic drag parameterization in the NOAA Unified Forecast System - View Poster
Michael D. Toy (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Joseph B. Olson (NOAA/GSL)

WCD-14. Sensitivity of EQBO’s boreal winter teleconnections & surface impacts to SSWs - View Poster
Dillon Elsbury (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Amy H. Butler (NOAA/CSL), Yannick Peings (UC Irvine), Gudrun Magnusdottir (UC Irvine)

WCD-15. Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts of Opportunity over Southwest Asia - View Poster
Additional Resources
Melissa L. Breeden (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), John R. Albers (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Andrew Hoell (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-16. Mesoscale convective systems modulated by convectively coupled equatorial waves
Yuan-Ming Cheng (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Juliana Dias (NOAA/PSL), George Kiladis (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-17. The North American Tree-Ring Fire Scar Network - View Poster
Christopher H Guiterman (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

WCD-18. Rapid development of systematic ENSO-related seasonal forecast errors - View Poster
Jonathan Beverley (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Matthew Newman (NOAA/PSL), Andrew Hoell (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-19. Wildfire impacts on land-surface properties: implications for weather forecasting

WCD-20. Forests and Trees as Tools for Wildfire Power Modeling - View Poster
Christina Kumler (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Johana Romero-Alvarez (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jordan Schnell (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Eric James (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jebb Q. Stewart (NOAA/GSL)

WCD-21. Dynamics of a Persistent Gulf Stream Heatwave - View Poster
Kris Karnauskas (CIRES,ATOC)

WCD-22. Exploring low cloud and aerosol interactions in geostationary satellite observations and CESM: causal relationships and timescales
Xiaoli Zhou (CIRES,NOAA/CSL), Graham Feingold (NOAA/CSL), David Painemal (NASA), Andrew Gettelman (PNNL)

WCD-23. Understanding the Observed Trade-wind Cloudiness Enhancement over Warm SST Anomalies using Large Eddy Simulations
Xuanyu Chen (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Juliana Dias (NOAA/PSL), Brandon Wolding (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Robert Pincus (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory), Charlotte DeMott (Colorado State University)

WCD-24. Characterizing warm-season Extreme Precipitation in the HREF means - View Poster
Diana Stovern (CIRES), Janice Bytheway (CIRES), Kelly Mahoney (NOAA/PSL), Sarah Trojniak (CIRES), James Correia (CIRES), Ben Moore (NOAA/PSL), Mimi Hughes (NOAA/PSL)

WCD-25. Title: Validation of Machine Learning Models for Classification of Solar Wind - View Poster
Lois J. Landwer (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Hazel Bain (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Mark Miesch (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), George Millward (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Enrico Camporeale (CIRES,NOAA/SWPC), Eric Adamson (NOAA/SWPC)

WCD-26. Development and Analysis of Operational Forecast Tools at the Weather Prediction Center - View Poster
Matthew Green (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), James Correia Jr. (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Sarah Trojniak (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Dana Tobin (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Austin Coleman (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Austin King (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Timothy Thielke (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), Massey Bartolini (CIRES,NOAA/WPC), James Nelson (NOAA/WPC)

WCD-27. Evaluating Mixing Layer Height Retrievals from Ground-Based Remote Sensing Systems - View Poster
Vanessa Caicedo (NOAA/GML)

WCD-28. Achieving Comparability of Model and Observatory Datasets in YOPPsiteMIP: Challenges and Solutions - View Poster
Additional Resources
Leslie M. Hartten (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Siri Jodha S. Khalsa (CIRES,NSIDC), Jareth I. Holt (Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (MISU), Sweden), Laura X. Huang (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Johanna A. K. Tjernström (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway; Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden)

WCD-29. Characterizing the Annual Surface Energy Balance in Gothic Valley during the SPLASH Field Campaign
Brian Butterworth (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Christopher Cox (NOAA/PSL), Gijs de Boer (CIRES,NOAA/PSL,IRISS), Michael Gallagher (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Janet Intrieri (NOAA/PSL), Ola Persson (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Matthew Shupe (CIRES,NOAA/PSL)

WCD-30. Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Forecasting Fire Behavior - View Poster
Jana Nascimento (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Alessandro Banducci (CSU), Jonana Romero-Alvarez (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Jordan Schnell (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Isidora Jankov (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Georg Grell (CIRES,NOAA/GSL)

WCD-31. A DEFT Way to Forecast Solar Flares
Larisza Krista (CIRES,NOAA/NCEI)

WCD-32. Impact of ensemble design in the Rapid Refresh Forecast System using time lagging and stochastic perturbations - View Poster
Gerard Ketefian (CIRES,NOAA/GSL/DTC), Jeff Beck (CIRA, NOAA/GSL/DTC), Will Mayfield (NCAR/UCAR,RAL/DTC), Michelle Harrold (NCAR/UCAR,RAL/DTC), Craig Schwartz (NCAR/UCAR), Brianne Nelson (NCAR/UCAR,RAL/DTC), Christina Kalb (NCAR/UCAR,RAL/DTC), Jamie Wolff (NCAR/UCAR,RAL), Evan Kalina (SciTech)

WCD-33. Insights from the search for a more descriptive index of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation - View Poster

WCD-34. AWIPS II Hazard Services Testing Strategy - View Poster
Carolyn Vada Dreisbach (CIRES)

WCD-35. All-hazards dataset mined from the US National Incident Management System 1999–2020
Lise A. St Denis (CIRES), Karen C. Short (USFS), Kathryn C. McConnel (Population and Training Studies, Brown University), Maxwell C. Cook (CIRES), Jennifer K. Balch (CIRES)

WCD-36. Marine Heatwave Portal - View Poster
Chia-Wei Hsu (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Michael Alexander (NOAA/PSL), Catherine Smith (CIRES,NOAA/PSL), Michael Jacox (NOAA/PSL), Chris Kreutzer (NOAA/ESRL)

WCD-37. Assimilation of Surface Particulate Matter Observations in the experimental Rapid Refresh Forecast System coupled with Smoke and Dust Model - View Poster
Hongli Wang (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Stephen Weygandt (NOAA/GSL), Ravan Ahmadov (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Ruifang Li (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Johana Romero-Alvarez (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Haiqin Li (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Youhua Tang (NOAA/ARL), Mariusz Pagowski (CIRES,NOAA/GSL), Cory Martin (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC)

Western Water Assessment

WWA-01. The “Nuts and Bolts” of Doing Coproduction Exploring Implementation Decisions in Climate Adaptation Research with Stakeholders - View Poster
Katie Clifford (CIRES,WWA), Jen Henderson (Texas Tech University), Zoe McAlear (Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;), Lisa Dilling (CIRES,WWA), Benét Duncan (Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland;), Samuel Ehret (CIRES,WWA), Seth Arens (Puget Sound Partnership), Rebecca Page (WWA), Ursula Rick ()

WWA-02. Anthropogenic Water Management, Climate Change, and Environmental Sustainability in the Southwestern US (ACCESS) Phase I - View Poster
Elizabeth Payton (CIRES), Ben Livneh (CIRES), Yadu Pokhrel (Michigan State University), Ahmed Elkouk (Michigan State University), Lifeng Luo (Michigan State University), Xin Lan (Michigan State University)

WWA-03. Ecological succession in emerging tributaries to Glen and Cataract Canyons - View Poster
Seth Arens (CIRES)